Lindsey Graham Tries To Pull a Funny – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham Tries To Pull a Funny

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13 Comments on Lindsey Graham Tries To Pull a Funny

  1. I think it’s just great that all the peeps that wanna be presidunce of the us think that they’re entertainers.

    No, really. I think it’s great.

    Can we get Obola to tap dance? Graham to dress up like “Little Bo Peep?” Rubio to do a “Frito Bandito” imitation? Perry to do a petulant little girl thing? Kasich to do a Huma Abedin playalong with Hillarity? Hillarity to pretend to be sober?

    No Statesmen.
    No Dignity.
    No thought about America.

  2. On the contrary, I thought this was the perfect way to end this thing. I’m no Graham fan, believe me, but this was a lighthearted way to stop feeding the media’s insatiable appetite for Republican on Republican violence.

  3. The message Graham sends is clear:

    “I don’t want to talk to the fucking lower echelon that pays my salary”.

    Besides that, isn’t against the law to destroy government property? I mean, those ObamaPhones be expensive and shit. Word?

  4. The only scene that was missing was him sending a .223 round through it with an AR-15. Many of you remember the photo-ops of Lindsey at Palmetto State Armory during his re-electon run firing the aforementioned weapon. Those images were quickly scrubbed after Mike Bloomberg donated $250K to Graham’s campaign. Sorry, but most of us in SC know what Graham is.

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