Linux Foundation Bans Entire University Of Minnesota System From Submitting Patches – IOTW Report

Linux Foundation Bans Entire University Of Minnesota System From Submitting Patches

Tom Share Software

The University of Minnesota isn’t making any friends in the Linux community. Phoronix reported that Greg Kroah-Hartman, the Fellow at the Linux Foundation responsible for stable releases of the Linux kernel, has banned the University from contributing to that kernel after two students purposely added faulty code to it.

The students in question published a research paper titled “On the Feasibility of Stealthily Introducing Vulnerabilities in Open-Source Software via Hypocrite Commits” on February 10. Those so-called “hypocrite commits” were defined as “seemingly beneficial commits that in fact introduce other critical issues.”

Although the paper was ostensibly focused on open source software generally, the students devoted much of their attention to the Linux kernel specifically because it’s so popular. The kernel is practically ubiquitous—it’s found in everything from single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi to the most powerful supercomputers. More

14 Comments on Linux Foundation Bans Entire University Of Minnesota System From Submitting Patches

  1. The students Ivana Urcoda, and Sum Ting Wong protested the ban citing structural racism in white invented coumputing…

    They were quoted as saying “We have to turn all the beautiful contributions of white people into shit other races will now be unable to access in the name of social justice. It has nothing at all to do with our home countries national interest.

  2. “Our community does not appreciate being experimented on, and being ‘tested’ by submitting known patches that are either do nothing [sic] on purpose, or introduce bugs on purpose. If you wish to do work like this, I suggest you find a different community to run your experiments on, you are not welcome here.”

    Can you imagine? That’s all you need. A couple of commie-blm-antifa friendly assholes messing with the product.

  3. They are already under pressure to remove terms like slave, master, service, blacklist, whitelist from the kernel, others are “calling” to stop using the term
    “man pages” (short for manual pages), which has been common use for ages. Not a joke.
    That crap is spreading in the tech community.
    After destroying medicine and psychology, now they are destroying technology.

  4. John Smith
    APRIL 22, 2021 AT 10:16 AM
    “They are already under pressure to remove terms like slave, master, service, blacklist, whitelist from the kernel, others are “calling” to stop using the term
    “man pages” (short for manual pages), which has been common use for ages”

    …they would probably shit themselves if they ever saw the kinds of source code comments they used back in the DOS days, because most early coders were white male needs, and misanthropic developers could word these pretty much any way they want because the public never saw anything but the compiled program. They were just there so they could remember what this or that line was supposed to do, usually only for the programmer’s own benefit, and racial, scatalogical, and misogynist comments were not unheard of.

    To the extent of a programmers idea of funny, that is, which can be pretty weak.

    One of the cleaner ones was the source code for a 1989 automated loading vehicle that could load 1 or 2 items. I inherited the source code from the bankrupt folks that preceded us, so I was glad it was commented, but it did have a unique sense of humor, with comments for a single load routine called UNOLOAD stipulating “…like unique, dos, trace, comprehensive compadre?”, but it ALSO did not hurt the clarity.

    A better-known version of this was that Apple was developing a product that they gave the in-house name “Sagan”, which is just a project name that NEVER leaves the company, it’s just a temporary handle.

    Well, Carl Sagan hoid about it and got mad for some reason, so a cease-and-decist letter followed. The devs then changed the name to “BHA”, which AGAIN angered Sagan.

    Because he’d heard, somehow, it meant “Butt-Head Astronomer”.

    …so if we’re to the point of nerd censoring crap that normal people never hear about in a lifetime, that just seems like someone is going WAY out of their way to find something, ANYTHING, to be offended about, but I don’t think you can Nerf the private thoughts of an entire country and I’m pretty sure there’s nothing in the Constitution that it’s illegal to offend people, quite the opposite in fact, but still, here we are…

  5. I stay at least 1 full kernel release behind on purpose. This is the first time I’ve heard about deliberate sabotage being tried on the kernel source tree. Yes, submissions for THAT are looked at by some number of very smart people.
    Those two are toast in the deep software community. They should learn to weld.


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