List of companies who have pandered to the protesters who lie about “systemic racism” in America – IOTW Report

List of companies who have pandered to the protesters who lie about “systemic racism” in America

I very comprehensive list can be found HERE.

It might be easier to compile a list of companies that haven’t pandered.

My favorite one, though, is Star Wars as a company, or a franchise.

Someone answered The Star Wars franchise in a stunning rebuke.

They posted this. See if you can see the hypocrisy.

ht/ tsunami

22 Comments on List of companies who have pandered to the protesters who lie about “systemic racism” in America

  1. I say boycott every last one of them unless they supply some item conservatives can purchase to help eradicate the leftist disease when the shit REALLY hits the fan in your neighborhood; like a HAM radio, a firearm optic, a water purification system….etc.

  2. Most of these companies are just doing lip service and handing over extortion money to appease their black employees and keep the demonstrations away from their corporate offices and store fronts. BLM tried to put pressure on me last month.

  3. My Petey B wants to know which one of you hater potaters here want to hand in your systemic racism for a go at my systemic unbleached elastic starfish!

  4. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton two of the worst shyster shakedown artists in the country, would have never imagined in their wildest dreams how profitable BLM movement would be to their cause.

    You can bet those two are going to profit from this. Right now Al is trying to figure out how to shield his profit from his tax return.

  5. I don’t know, while some on the list are blatantly supporting BLM, some others just issue meaningless press releases to the effect that they support equality for all, yada, yada, yada. I don’t think ALL the companies on the list are actually sending cash to BLM.

  6. A comment I recently read in an American Thinker post, that I think is mostly true.

    The progression of society problem is – first a cause, then a business, then a racket.

    An excuse to riot fits in there somewhere.

  7. LOL @ the star whores picture!

    I guess the asians really do NOT like black people…. one more myth confirmed as fact now.

    Oh, and it could not have happened to a more deserving woke karen than bodega because he is a real POS along the lines of deniro & mark hammel and I bet not one single peep will come out of either one of those hypocrites for cutting the only black actor from the poster so it will be more acceptable in Asian markets.

  8. Crap! Lowes AND Home Depot! Not to mention Verizon! FFS! As far as hardware and lumber in my area the next immediate option is Goldman’s and he ain’t very competitive….. I suppose it is finally time to take a serious look at Total Wireless even though it is a Mexican owned business, at least he is NOT a marxist.
    Metlife as well as Ebay are also on the anti-2A list so I need to re-evaluate my insurance options and my sales platform.

  9. The cunts who run General Dynamics jumped on the Hate Whitey bandwagon with both feet. That’s what happens when you put stupid white chicks in charge of an important company. Stupid fucking cunts… all of them.

  10. Al Sharpton be worried about his tax return? That’s a laugh.
    He has immunity from compliance with anything he chooses.

    Diogenes is right about companies paying “protection” money.
    Whether its the mafia Mob or the street mob, it all works the same.

    Nice business you got there, be a shame something should happen to it.

  11. CS, yes.. surprised no one else mentioned this in the comments.

    STAR WARS is onboard with quashing systemic racism, as they photoshop out the black guy for the Asian market!!!

    They are literally trying to optimize their bottom line by participating in racism!!!!

  12. @Roman V: Listen to their latest commercials. It used to be “helpful hardware man” – now it’s “helpful hardware FOLKS”. After all, we can’t be upsetting the Feminists, now can we?

    So apparently even the folks got woke.

    P.S – Wonder what they’ll do when someone points out to them that the word “folks” comes from the Germanic (read: Nazi) word “volk”?



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