Live Streaming With Trump’s Lawyers – IOTW Report

Live Streaming With Trump’s Lawyers

42 Comments on Live Streaming With Trump’s Lawyers

  1. Folks need to pay attention to what Sydney Powell repeated again and again, foreign interference.
    She is working on the electronic counting, Rudy is mainly working on the mail in ballots.
    When it gets to SCOTUS, which it will if these lower courts don’t start taking their oath seriously, it won’t be Rudy, it will be headed by Jay Sekulow.

  2. The foreign interference is key, it enacts Trump’s Exec Order and I would assume DNI Radcliffe is on it and possibly the removal of Esper is a strategic part of the execution. Trump always attacks things from multiple directions. They picked the wrong guy with the wrong supporters to pull this crap. They are going to prove both the democrats filthy cheating AND foreign interference corrupted this election. And if they media wants to ignore this they do so at their own peril.

  3. Brad, it’s why the Executive Order is so important, it’s why Trump has made the moves he has made, it’s why the press conference yesterday by Miller was important. The inner crowd is small, pentagon, CIA, FBI and DOJ can’t be trusted.

  4. @Supernightshade

    Rudy went after the media at one point saying they can’t because they don’t have subpoena power or the ability to throw them in jail.

    Barr needs to face the American people and tell us why he’s not arresting people.

  5. Supernightshade

    You will eventually get that message. But when it happens the web and the TV will go dark. You’ll get the message on your cell phone through the EAS sent from the Whitehouse.

  6. The Trump legal team have an avalanche of proof election fraud did occur, which cannot be ignored by the Supreme Court – even if most of the justices don’t rule based on the Constitution.
    I’m glad Trump’s legal team didn’t reveal to much during this presser. Just isn’t smart to lay all your cards on the table. It’s about timing. The left have to be blindsided, caught by surprise so they are out maneuvered.
    As difficult as it is, patriots have to be patient and trust that President Trump will be vindicated.

  7. Rudy needs to stay behind the scenes. From the Borat snafu, to the Four Seasons fuckup to today’s Just For Men hair dye running down both sides of his face.

    For God’s sake, he is not Cleaning Up New York / America’s Mayor after 9/11 anymore. He is a shadow of himself and becomes a distraction from the others’ more compelling arguments.

    When I was a younger drunk, for the Tennesseans in the audience, John Jay Hooker would run his quixotic campaigns for governor by hitting all the bars between Green Hills and Downtown. I still recall the day he and his war hero driver stopped by the Calhoun’s on Whkte Bridge Road carrying their own bottle of wine in his jacket before locking the keys in their Cadillac outside.

    There is a point where it becomes embarrassing to your legacy.


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