Livin’ the Dream – IOTW Report

Livin’ the Dream

The Austin band, Dream Machine, was dropped by their label, Castle Face, after the members Matthew and Doris Melton commented on other bands who  are violating their performance contracts, on criminal illegal immigrants, and feminist bands.

Interview with Greg Gutfeld Here


I like a song with a good bass line.



13 Comments on Livin’ the Dream

  1. Yes, patriots one and all but sounding like the Partridge Family like they do, I’d have dropped them, too. No appeal whatsoever for me for what they play but I’ll fight to the death their right to play it. Perhaps some other less small-minded outfit will pick them up.

  2. I Have a Feeling, in 5 Years They’re Style Will Come Back around !
    The Snowflake Crap, with its Micro-Agression B.S Obsession will have Burned everyone out… and They’ll need some Doobie Brothers !

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