Liz Cheney Threatens to Leave GOP if President Trump Nominated – IOTW Report

Liz Cheney Threatens to Leave GOP if President Trump Nominated

Washington Examiner

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) pledged to renounce the GOP and leave the party altogether if former President Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for president in 2024. More

41 Comments on Liz Cheney Threatens to Leave GOP if President Trump Nominated

  1. Heh heh – and what was her intention in making that imbecile statement?
    I guess next she’ll hold her breath?
    She isn’t a Republican, anyway – she’s a greedy, nihilistic totalitarian – so she should stick with the American Nazi Party – aka the Demonrats.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Liz Cheney is a will not.

    Definition: Will Not

    noun, english, Usually a little piece of fecal matter that clings to the short hairs of the anus and “will not fall off into the bowl”

  3. She left the Republican party when Trump one the first time, she’s a RINO Never Trumper!
    Maybe she’ll join her “war criminal” father and retire from politics. Her time has passed.

  4. If I may cut through the fricking THRONGS of people begging her to stay, I want to give her this single wilted to shit rose and wish her well in her future endeavors. Thanks and ‘happy trails’.

  5. Hey Wart Hog Cheney: Take your fat azz and wide warted face and LEAVE THE US. Go to some middle east slum hole where they’ll poke your plus-sized head on a stick to be used for cooking grease.

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