Liz Cheney Is Begging Democrats To Save Her Career – IOTW Report

Liz Cheney Is Begging Democrats To Save Her Career


In a pathetic bid to reclaim her congressional seat, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney is mailing instructions to Wyoming Democrats on how to vote for her in the state’s upcoming Aug. 16 primary.

As reported by The New York Times, “In the last week, Wyoming Democrats have received mail from Ms. Cheney’s campaign with specific instructions on how to change their party affiliation to vote for her. Ms. Cheney’s campaign website now has a link to a form for changing parties.”

Also included in the Cheney campaign literature are directions on how Democrats can obtain an absentee ballot, as well as the specific start and end dates for when voters can acquire and return said ballots.

“Voted absentee ballots must be received in the county clerk’s office by 7 p.m. on election night in order to be counted,” the campaign mailer says. “Ballots received after this deadline will not be counted.” more here

29 Comments on Liz Cheney Is Begging Democrats To Save Her Career

  1. The Dems won’t save you. No one fears theft more than a theif, and traitors know traitors can never be trusted.

    “I never could bring myself to trust a traitor, the Baron said. Not even a traitor I created.” – -Frank Herbert, “Dune”.

  2. Am I a better Democrat? Voting for a Democrat, that might let the truth slip out? Or voting for a Republican, that swears she’s lying to me? Always.

    These are the times that try tranny’s souls/

  3. Liz, you ignorant slut. When democrats compliment you for doing what they want, it’s like a trainer giving a sardine to a performing seal. The second you don’t do what you want, you’re a “nazi” again, you stupid whore. And they don’t give a fuck about your career and never did. A person who didn’t have their head firmly wedged in their ass would’ve noticed that long before getting in deep with the 1/6 committee farce.

  4. If she never stole another dime she’d still be sitting on $7 Million.
    Why can’t she just go home and quit stealing from her constituents?
    She’s a worthless, two-faced, forked-tongue, treasonous sack of skin.
    She sold her country for a bowl of rice and can only be depended upon to further alienate America.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. During the Scots Rebellion. Robert the Bruce sent his wife and her ladies to Kildrummy Castle for protection.

    Edward II bribed a Scots traitor to open the castle with a bribe of “as much gold as he could carry”, and was then able to take the Bruce’s wife for a hostage.

    He then kept his word to the traitor he made.

    By poring molten gold down his throat until he died.

    …let’s give Traitor Liz all the gold she can carry.

    It’s no less than she deserves.

  6. “Ballots received after this deadline will not be counted by the usual method.”
    Maybe Liz shoulda sent that mailer the her own house, with instructions for her on how to change to the Democrat party.

  7. Instead of trying to turn dimocrats into repubicans just go ahead and switch parties yourself, lez. You’ve been fooling people all this time but it looks like you’ve lost your touch.

  8. Happy that RINOs and Dems from across the country have foolishly trashed millions on her reelection campaign.

    Trump, and his family, visited WY many times and were well-liked. And locals don’t like polecats.

  9. Bush Clan has been backing her ; as they did her lefty, Ronny hating dad.

    The significance of this is THEY PREVENTED CONSERVATIVES FROM CHANGING THE LaW that allows D to vote in the R primary!
    The “D” liked, and still do, GWB and they will follow his requests and vote for her in the “R” primary! Her dad could not get many “R” votes and neither can she. But about 1 in 5 folk there are “D”. If GOP has a small turnout; enough “D” could elect Liz as GOP !

    I never voted GWB and his actions the last 2 years have made me feel very good about my votes!

    If you know any conservative there tell them it is important they vote !

  10. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
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