Local Gubmint Makes Mistake on Signs – They Just May Roll With It – IOTW Report

Local Gubmint Makes Mistake on Signs – They Just May Roll With It

North Hempstead Long Island officials made a mistake. They printed up a bunch of Pick Up Your Dog Crap or Else, signs.

They intended on having it say that the fine would be $25. But the signs say $250.

Now they’re considering changing the penalty to match the typo. I wonder if they’d ever do that if a “no honking” sign said $25 instead of $250?

fine sign

18 Comments on Local Gubmint Makes Mistake on Signs – They Just May Roll With It

  1. I won’t live in a town with such communistic regulations. My dog shits wherever he wants, and I’ll start carrying dog-shit bags when they start making them with 0bama’s face on the bag.

  2. Yes, but who would want the crappy job of changing dog pampers? They’d probably end up by the side of the road or on the sidewalk just like lazy idiots throw dirty diapers away. Good idea and maybe good intentions but bound to fail because some people are slobs and always will be slobs. Why can’t we hire some kids to put the dog poop in brown paper bags, find out where the scofflaws live, put it on their porch, light it on fire, ring the doorbell or knock on the door and run like Hell. It would serve them right.

  3. Guess I should have mentioned that I live in the country and my dogs have their own private places to crap. That’s also where I tell people to park if they are somebody I don’t want hanging around.

    I don’t want you guys thinking about me the next time you step in dog shit. lol. When I do go to cities, I find a secluded place for my dog to crap, and he craps on bushes and places where nobody steps — he has done that ever since he first saw me using one of those dog crap bags to pick up his shit in the over-regulated state of Colorado. He figures that’s his calling card and he objects to me putting it in the trash can. Thus he sticks his butt into a bush so I won’t be able to steal his precious crap.

  4. I would keep it at $25, but pass another ordinance that applies the $250 to people who throw their cigarette buts on the ground as well.

    I have a bus stop located on the frontage of my property and 95+% of the litter is smoking related, from butts to smokers shoving their empty cigarette packs into my topiary and when I was off work I could watch from my back yard and of the remaining 5% that was not cigarette butts or packages it was the same slobs who were throwing their cigarette butts on the ground who were also depositing other litter on the ground.

    This was actual observed behavior that I personally witnessed and I am fed up with it.

  5. My elderly sister retrieved her garbage can after pick-up. She didn’t realize she got dog crap on her shoe, took the can into the garage and slipped on the crap that was stuck to her shoe. Yes, she’s hurt. I detest dog people who don’t pick up their “kid’s” crap and think everyone loves the crap.

    Over the years, I’ve had many negative experiences with dog crap.

    I don’t blame the dogs, I blame the liberal idiot people who don’t pick up after their dog or just let their dogs out to crap where they please.

  6. <— my dog shitting on a bush in protest of me picking up his turds and moving them into garbage containers where no other dog will ever be able to decipher their hidden messages.

    The dog in that picture, Buddy, is crapping two miles high in the Rockies, btw. 🙂

  7. Our neighborhood is forested and has no sidewalks. I watch people stroll past my home walking their dog, some carrying little bags for poop. That is so pointless up here where deer, turkey, and mountain lion all shit in the lawns and street. I can see where carrying turdbags is a courtesy in the crowded urban areas, but up here? *shaking head*

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