Local SWAT Stopped Failed Assassin from Taking Another Shot – IOTW Report

Local SWAT Stopped Failed Assassin from Taking Another Shot


There are some remarkable revelations in the 6-page pdf [from the Independent Report from Representative Clay Higgins].  One detail outlines how it was a Butler County SWAT officer who fired the initial shot that stopped Matthew Crooks after 8 shots fired.  The Feds did not initially stop the assassin, the locals did. Another detail highlights how the Butler County coroner was not aware the FBI quickly released the body of Crooks for immediate cremation. More

16 Comments on Local SWAT Stopped Failed Assassin from Taking Another Shot

  1. Another perfectly fitting puzzle piece that assembles a very ugly picture of this episode of “Government Corruption” and no way to verify the official transcript of Crooks death.
    Gee… where have we seen that before?

  2. After seeing Pelosi snarl in a radio interview that they would not allow Trump to set foot in the White House again I’m totally convinced that the Secret Service were ordered to allow Crooks to take his shot at Killing Trump before he was taken out. If you think democrats are not above murder to get what they want you haven’t been paying attention.

  3. It was apparent within minutes that this was a failed assassination attempt that involved some on the security detail. Anything else would demand leaps of faith that border on the preposterous the statistical probability of coincidence after coincidence of ineptitude all falling in the same direction. The chances shrink to insignificance.

    Occam’s Razor absolutely applies here. Then when you add in sterilization of the crime scene and releasing the body for immediate cremation.

  4. Will anyone just state clearly what is most obvious?

    Deep State put out a hit on President Trump.

    Furthermore, the flubbed it. It’s God’s Will that these traitorous jerks would, as they say, fuck up a wet dream.

  5. Enough. They’re just keeping the water as muddy as possible.That started right after the shot. Reports are Crooks body was cremated less then ten days after he was killed. I call bull shit. It was more like 10 hours. They didn’t want any tox screens getting out.

  6. I personally know three guys who could reliably hit a human head at 1200 yards with a 7.62×51 round. This kid didn’t just get lucky enough to find his way to the top of that building. He had help and probably from the CIA. Our government is totally corrupt. Never trust them.

  7. The whole thing stinks to high heaven. somehow in Crooks mind he must have thought he was going to get away. Why would he have all the extra ammo and bank accounts in another country.(I checked into how to get a bank account in another country, it pretty easy) What made him think that? I feel like President Trump will not take a easy breath as long as he’s running again. I’m wondering if the family is putting pressure on him to back out, I wouldn’t blame him, he’s been put through hell trying to help this country.


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