“London Bridge Is Down” is the code that will be used to communicate that the Queen has died – IOTW Report

“London Bridge Is Down” is the code that will be used to communicate that the Queen has died

‘London Bridge is down’: Secret code UK civil servants will use before the public is told the Queen is dead is revealed along with what happens next

  • Report reveals the carefully-laid plans in place for the Queen’s death
  • Her private secretary will tell the Prime Minister, who will tell other governments
  • The news will then be broadcast to the public and a message posted online
  • Despite the plans emerging, The Queen looked healthy during a visit today 

Read more:

The code if Barack Obama was ever to die was:


Feel free to come up with your own codes in the comments.



38 Comments on “London Bridge Is Down” is the code that will be used to communicate that the Queen has died

  1. Way to keep it under wraps, limeys. Who’s running your little shopo f secrets? The CIA?

    And if you think the burning poppies were bad, wait until they find out your queen is dead.

    Jack be nimble,

    Jack be quick,

    Jack jump over

    The burning car,

    And run like hell.

  2. McCain: “My friends: Put your hands up in the air; wave ’em like you just don’t care.”

    Pelosi: “We have to open the casket to see what’s in it.”

    Soros: “Sharpen your oak stakes, just to be sure.”

    Maxine Waters: “This liberal will be about decomposing— uhhh…”

    Hank Johnson: “Guam has tipped over and capsized.”

    Obama: “Hold me closer, tiny dancer.”

    Keith Richards: [With human evolution having advanced beyond the necessity for verbal communication, notification of his death will be sent telepathically through a globally connected neural network.]

  3. Obama codephrase: Bury Him In His Kenya Birthplace

    I have a friend who lives on Tahiti. He told me that our disgraced Kenyan ex-president arrived on Tahiti on a private jet. Meanwhile, famous gay activist David Geffen arrived at Tahiti on his superyacht Rising Sun today. Conincidence? I think not.

    My prediction is that whilst in the middle of a gay orgy called “Swallow the Plank”, Obama and Geffen will plot how Obama can come out of the closet so that it will have the maximum pro-gay effect.

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