London Police Question Sketchy Guy With Backpack Full of Machetes – IOTW Report

London Police Question Sketchy Guy With Backpack Full of Machetes

Conservative Treehouse: Random video footage surfaces showing heavily-armed London police stopping a sketchy fellow and checking his backpack in east London on Monday – barely a day after the London Bridge attack.

According to video loader – The incident occurred on a side street near East Ham on Monday.  The footage shows six police officers surrounding the man before opening his duffel bag (backpack) to reveal several machetes in a plastic bag.



23 Comments on London Police Question Sketchy Guy With Backpack Full of Machetes

  1. Well, they got him.
    See everybody…Britain is now safe, go about your business as if the decapitation of a British Soldier on a London Street, Coordinated muslim Attacks on Subway Trains and a Buses, the Attack on Westminster Bridge and Parliament, Manchester and the London Bridge incidents were anything other than insignificant lone wolf offenses.

  2. I think his swaet shirt said “QUEBEC” on it. Yaaah, a canadian makes the news other than our idiot Prime Minister. I’ll bet this fellow was just getting ready for next years Maple Syryp season and got a deal on the blades.
    If the video cut out I suspect the cops let him go because he wasn’t a suspect just stupid for carrying a number of machetes in a backpack through a city already on the edge. I hope he got the sweatshirt at a ruffage sale.

  3. And the daycare worker attacked by 3 bints in black “dresses” screaming this is for allah wasn’t terrorism. As long as she wasn’t alarmed by armed police, (where were they?) it’s all good. /s

  4. The guy is probably just a CUTCO sales rep. Or an ISIS version of CUTCO but either way man, I mean, stopping some guy for not actually committing a crime is so harsh.

    Its Ramadam and that is a backpack of peace filled with implements of peace- that dude needs a solicitor to sue for discrimination. This is the anti-Muslim backlash we have been warned about. I’m so triggered I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself.

  5. saw the entire video.

    I would have body-slammed that Filthy Mohammedan Savage up against the wall and shrieked, “machetes? MACHETES?!?” at the fucking heathen God-hating fucktard

    Seriously, we need to do what China does – force the Islamic Piece Of Shit to kneel down, plant a 9mm bullet in their head, scatter their ashes in the nearest polluted river (polluted hopefully with pigshit), send an invoice to the fucktard’s family for the bullet…..or take it out of their pay.

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