Long National Nightmare Known as Hip Hop Seems to Be Waning – IOTW Report

Long National Nightmare Known as Hip Hop Seems to Be Waning

Revolver has taken notice that more mainstream lefty outlets (i.e. Rolling Stone) have lamented the decline of interest in the vulgar genre known as “Hip Hop” rap music. Here

Further indicators document a meaningful slide in searches about “Hip Hop,” and encouraging sign indeed that the public has grown tired of bad words spoken in broken English as quickly as possible. Here

34 Comments on Long National Nightmare Known as Hip Hop Seems to Be Waning

  1. Not surprised, I don’t call it music, I call it rap crap. It’s not sounds you dance to, it’s sound you duck and dive from all the bullets flying while that rap crap is playing. Oh, and they gotta let you know they’re playing it, and it annoys you cuz it’s blasting with mega bass. I cringe cuz I expect trouble to follow.

  2. Muh name is Biden, I be hidin’
    Take a shower wif muh daughter
    cause Jill ain’t be hotter.

    Got Hunter fo a son
    smokin crack til he done
    rip off the cash, muthafucka

  3. Nigga Nigga Niggas
    Gonna Fuk Dat Ho
    And Kil Sum Cops
    Smoke Dat Weed
    Den Brag About Me Hip Hop

    Drank my 40
    Smok My Crack Pipe
    Den Be All Angry ‘Bout Me Zip Coon Stereotype!

  4. They are running out of 70’s & 80’s music to sample & lay down as back Tracks while they scream like idiots & throw photocopied money in the air.

    Also keep in mind all that Latin Shit eveywhere….

  5. I particularly dislike one song played on our local station that I listen to for weather and local stuff. An apparent love song it mentions in its refrain over and over I’d take a bullet to the brain for you. VERY poor taste it’s embarrassing. Too bad the artist is not half bad but that distasteful line I particularly hate!

  6. I quit paying attention to that genre in ’92 or 93. Prior to that, some of was interesting from my personal musical perspective.

    As for the overly loud volume levels and annoying booming bass, I was able to get some personal satisfaction on time. A buddy of mine showed up at my house having installed a crazy powerful system in his truck. I said we gotta do something. So we went to the black section of town and drove around blasting Slayer’s “Angel of Death” and “Raining Blood” over and over again. The looks we received were absolutely priceless. I still chuckle thinking about it. Good times. 🤘

  7. @cato:

    The best part was when I read the so-called artists were killing each other.

    Amen, my friend. Another way to put it is that the rapper career choice dramatically lowers life expectancy.

  8. could be worse… rap tuba

    do you think any of them know what key they are in?

    the best thing that happened to rap is that copsucker rhymes with mothersucker

  9. Rap is crap. It had no melodies, no skilled singing or instrument playing and no structure: in other words, music for the verbose and uneducated. A generation or two of kids of all races grew up on rhythmn and never learned how to write melody, play an instrument or learn to sing. That’s why modern pop music sucks so bad and is so soul-less.

  10. SIL called today’s “music” (12 years ago) RAP HOP – not on purpose.
    I also don’t really know what it is or what it all means 😂 and don’t care.

  11. I’m old enough to remember when songs were about love, appreciation, friendship and family.

    There is NO WAY in HELL that ‘rap’ fits into any of that.

  12. I watched a short clip from America or Britain Got Talent featuring a young black boy who was quiet/shy wearing blue jeans and a tucked in collared shirt. He was briefly interviewed by the panel and then told to proceed with his performance. The music started and his sweet pure voice sang out the most stunning and lovely aria, it was the voice of an Angel. The crowd was shocked and sat in silent joy listening to this young kid sing with such poise and perfection. It was beautiful. At the end the crowd erupted with true pleasure and appreciation.

    I wondered how many in the crowd had ever experienced an opera or an orchestra and sat and listened with their hearts to the genius of past composers and skilled musicians. They have no idea what true music is and it’s sad.

    Art is meant to lift the soul and glorify God.

    rap was created for someone else’s pleasure

  13. Ulysses Toole AT 5:18 PM
    “The only good rap song:”

    …Blondie (Debbie Harry), the Playboy model and hot video star from MTVs heyday, turned 78 last week.

    Happy Feeling Old Day!

  14. It’s worse than nightmare. I dumbed down music standards, pushed talent-less grifters to the spotlight, they became rich famous, influential and did not do anything to deserve it. The lyrics are all nastiness, racist garbage, gangster lingo, trashy stuff. A lot of them even attack their own mothers and fathers.
    Give me the 60s, 70, and 80s music anytime.
    I can’t even stand the rap garbage that started late 90s. That was the start of the decline.

  15. Dumbass suburban white boys are discovering that rap does not even faze their parents, much less shock them. Worse they’re finding out it’s a turn-off for suburban white girls.

    And judging by the popularity of “Black guy hears White Band X for the first time” videos on Youtube, it’s possible that smart black guys are expanding their musical horizons.

    Let’s face it: nobody really likes that shit; it’s just a soundtrack for a bad attitude, and it won’t get you laid, boys.

  16. Wrote a song about it. Like to hear it? Here it goes!

    “Kinky Hair, Kinky Hair, eyes like a frog,

    How I could roll you over and fuck you like a dog!”

    Thank you very much!

    “Haff a Morgan Dolluh”, AKA, “Two Quartuhs”

  17. @pianamusic

    Been awhile sice I’ve listened to David Sanborn. Kinda forgot how goos his music was 😳. Will be digging out my music hard drives tomorrow. Thank you.

    By chance, you an Al diMeola fan?

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