Longform Video of a Total A**wipe — Thaddeus Russell – IOTW Report

Longform Video of a Total A**wipe — Thaddeus Russell

This guy, Thaddeus Russell, thinks of himself as an intellectual, but he is the epitome of a low-IQ person who has been over-educated.

He cannot articulate his thoughts, because none of it makes sense. He tries to say there is no such thing as a man and a woman. It’s all social construct.

Amazingly, later in the interview, he bemoans the fact that social media commenters “made him feel less of A MAN,” completely undercutting his own stupid argument.

Add in that he has a ridiculous tooth whistle, and this can only be watched to the end by people who wish to do self-harm.

13 Comments on Longform Video of a Total A**wipe — Thaddeus Russell

  1. If genitals don’t affirm your gender, then why does anyone go thru gender affirming surgery?

    You’re not assigned a gender at birth. Your gender is defined at conception.

    The only social construct is influence. Buffoons are influenced to believe things that aren’t so. Then they go down kicking and screaming to the bitter end refusing to admit fault in their so-called logic. Sad thing is, our public education indoctrination centers have decided it easier to propagate lies than deal with screaming children who hear truth from an unknown teacher versus Mx. Trans-freak with 45 million followers.

  2. He sounds like a valley girl but instead of saying “like” all the time, he says “right” constantly with the inflection of it being a question. It seems to me that he is just trying to influence the person he’s talking to into agreeing with his stupid BS as if it is just obvious to smart people like he believes himself to be. He’s just another goofball illustrating that the Dunning-Kruger effect is real.

  3. I finally listened, Rogan brings up a point that male prisoners are taking it up the ass when he refers to LBS’ point of 30%.

    93% prisoners are male.

    Wait, hold on, was it social construct that landed them all in prison?

    Is it social construct that males are dominant at 90%+++ in construction, forestry, electrical, refuse, plumbing, ditch digging, brick laying… gholly, pick a labor intensive/dangerous/dirty activity. ..? hell, even SCIENCE, and MATH.

    in a “post-modern” world, women are, and have been, more than welcome in any of those fields. In fact women have been encouraged because when there is sexism involved they can have a 1 year career and walk away with a few million from a #metoo lawsuit.

    Yet, #metoo lawsuits are rare as hens teeth. Is that because they are afraid of being assaulted or because they have no interest? …They have no interest because of their biological make up, WHICH STILL MATTERS, and always will.

    *footnote. WHITE males matter (with their biological make up) for a functioning society, the same society that openly cast them away. These idiots are biting the hand that feeds them.

  4. God is not a social construct even though the left will always and constantly tell you otherwise. The left is all full of fools full of contempt and hatred for anything to do with God. I pity them because they have no grace, mercy or forgiveness for anybody and everybody that they disagree with. I gave up all that bs when I was saved when I was 19. I’m not perfect nor ever will be but I have a satisfied mind and a good life which is something the left is totally lacking.

  5. Gender is indeed a social construct. Look the etymology up, do not take my word for it, I make mistakes. As a social construct it bears no real reflection on individual reality. It actually describes one’s perception of another and is, like any word, entirely insufficient to describe one’s perception of oneself.

    We are all, each and every one, unique. A herd of unicorns aware of our own snowflake uniqueness and nearly oblivious to the uniqueness of each and every other.

    This is an exercise in navel gazing masturbatory time filling for persons who don’t have any real purpose or wants to pursue. The many contradictions within the argument are a feature, not a bug. Reconciling the contradictions make the subject take up more of the empty, desolate time the ‘thinkers’ have in their barren pointless existences.

    This is a credentialed mid wit pursuit; not for the dullest, and definitely not for the sharpest.


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