Look at me!! I’m smarter than a chimpanzee! – IOTW Report

Look at me!! I’m smarter than a chimpanzee!

Rob E. sent in a test to see if I’m smarter than a chimpanzee. I have no idea what he’s implying.

Luckily, this test was in my wheelhouse. You had to memorize the order of 5 boxes of colors.

That I can do. I think I got them all. All I know for sure is it said I was smarter than a chimpanzee.

I know, I know. I’m a braggart.

Take the test HERE

11 Comments on Look at me!! I’m smarter than a chimpanzee!

  1. J. Fred Muggs and Dave Garroway heartily approve. I know I’m definitely dating myself with this reference. J Fred Muggs was Dave Garroway’s chimpanzee sidekick on NBC’s Today Show back in the 50’s, my how thing’s have not changed. And Bonzo who went to college also put in his bananas worth. Where’s Stan Freberg and the old Mad Magazine to lampoon these apes. On a signboard I saw in Kalispell, Mt., “Political correctness has killed comedy, services pending.”

  2. Congratulations!! You are smarter than a chimp! You have a great memory – you’re that person who always remembers everything.

    So can I join the Nairobi Trio now? Pass the ‘nanners please.

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