Look at the Issues and Tell Me More About the Progressive Trump – IOTW Report

Look at the Issues and Tell Me More About the Progressive Trump

Tell me more about how Trump is WORSE THAN HILLARY.



ht/ petrus

12 Comments on Look at the Issues and Tell Me More About the Progressive Trump

  1. This is great! At-a-glance and easily transmitted to nay-sayers. I laugh when anyone says Trump’s positions are not well defined or he’s a flip-flopper or that he’s not a conservative. Hell’s bells! He’s even more conservative than Reagan was.

  2. Fur, I don’t see how this is productive.
    The positions are cherry picked and this looks like a challenge to get people to post ‘the other side of the story’ as it were.
    I was under the impression that that was not something you wanted.

  3. I see that Gary Johnson, who just kissed the BLM ring, thinks states should be able to fly the confederate flag, too. I know Gary can easily square that by simply using a loaded bong, but how do the more stolid nevertrumpers get their heads around it?

  4. I find Johnson’s and Stein’s views more palatable than Hillary’s LOL.

    BTW, Jill Stein does not inspire the kind of foaming-at-the-mouth contempt that I have for most Green Party candidates. Obviously, I would never vote for someone so far to the left. But my impression is that she’s a thoughtful, authentic candidate–which is certainly more than I can say for Fatty Pantsuit.

  5. Beck said that for years doctors have been unable to tell him why his hands, feet, arms and legs would feel like someone had just crushed them or set them on fire or pushed broken glass into my feet. At the same time, he was able to sleep just a couple hours a night without getting tired. “The doctors tell me that up until recently I haven’t really had any real REM sleep in maybe as much as a decade, he said. “Most afternoons my hands will start to shake, or my hands and feet will curl up. When it gets real bad, my friends try to uncurl me, he said, adding that doctors have continued to be baffled by his condition.

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