Look Who Tweeted This – IOTW Report

Look Who Tweeted This

21 Comments on Look Who Tweeted This

  1. My Favorite meme on this speech.

    It’s accurate.

    The Dens have been very Nazi-like for a long time with their gun control, welfare incentivizing fatherless homes,.taking God out of schools, and more, including this demonizing of their political opponents.

    Heck even what Nazi is short for describes them well.

    National Socialist German Workers’ Party

    Ain’t nothing right wing or conservative about that. That’s the Dems. All the way through.

  2. I’d wager if you made a perion for college campusse about attributing the Dem party as the party of National Socialist American Workers’ Party, you’d get nearly 100% agreement.

    Clueless-ness is a must for Dem fealty.

  3. When Hitler marched his troops into the Sudentenland, he knew it was a gamble. If the European powers had simply sacked up and told him “NO” at swords’ point, he would have HAD to slink away with his tail between his legs, humiliated at home and abroad.

    They did not. Instead, they got a promise from an evil man for “Peace In Our Time”.

    And millions died afterwards as a result.


    …always remember, dictators try to project strength when they are at their weakest.

    They only get strong when the lie WORKS.

  4. Dadof4,
    Same with public school teachers, which I guess makes since as they were indoctrinated in college.
    When they had their illegal strike a few years back in my state, the socialists had a table set up on Capitol grounds and there was video of several teachers stopping at their table.

  5. Mukden – 1931 – Japan wages war on China – the world does nothing.
    Saarland – 1935 – plebiscite to re-unite with Germany – the world does nothing.
    Sudetenland – Anschluss – world does nothing.
    Poland divided between Germany and Soviet Union – 1939 – the world reacts – against Germany NOT Soviet Union.

    I don’t understand why, when we KNOW that “a stitch in time saves nine,” we don’t pull our thumbs out of our asses until it’s almost too late – and it actually IS too late for millions of people.

    6000 years of “civilization” and we’ve learned NOTHING.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Tim – FJB
    SEPTEMBER 3, 2022 AT 9:58 AM

    “…6000 years of “civilization” and we’ve learned NOTHING.”

    “Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it.”
    -George Santayana

    …he should have gone on to say, “and those who DO remember history and are too few and not correctly placed are doomed to repeat it WITH them.”

    We are like a Cyclops able to see our doom, but powerless to prevent it.

    And don’t forget that SOME learn history so they can use it to reproduce the same evil with themselves in charge.

    Satan is not creative, he can only repeat the same tricks.

    That’s why he has his minions destroy education FIRST.

  7. Real or not… Hey, it’s real enough and if you have to error on one side or the other, assume it’s real, cuz assuming it isn’t may get you loaded onto a box car destined for a “re-education camp”!


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