Loon Gives a Guy the Finger so He Follows Her – She Wants Justice! – IOTW Report

Loon Gives a Guy the Finger so He Follows Her – She Wants Justice!

Some guy was standing in his yard and a woman slowed down in front of his house and gave him the finger.

He got in his car and followed to see what it was that was bothering this loon.

Turns out she was giving him the finger because the guy is a racist, misogynist, Islamophobe, xenophobe. In short, he has a Donald Trump sign in his yard.

Worse yet, he has a “Hillary For Prison” sign, too.

UNACCEPTABLE!!! Thus, the finger.

Watch this nut, and think about the poor guy, or woman, that’s married to this shrew.

60 Comments on Loon Gives a Guy the Finger so He Follows Her – She Wants Justice!

  1. That’s what you get when you flipped the wrong guy off. LOL! *unt! I support Donald Trump! STFU! Meet up with me lady and see what you get. The cop thinks she’s crazy! She just talked the cop into not voting for Hillary! LOL!

  2. sooooooooo …. it’s ok for her to have a First Amendment right, but that “Redneck”, “Racist” Trump supporter that has “Pence, Trump” & “Hillary for Prison” signs in his yard cannot travel the same roads as Ms. Social Justice Queen …. got it
    .. fun moment @ 9:15 … “I’m silently protesting”…. bwaaaaaaaaahaha haaaaaaa haaaaa …. this bitch never shuts up!

  3. Moe Tom September 23, 2016 at 12:21 am

    Holy fuckin’ Moley, now that’s what I call a five foot, one hundred and two pound CUNT


    And just think, some guy screwed her and produced a mini me of herself. See how scared shitless these Hillary supporters are? I just love it! I’m pretty sure there’s no man in the house and if there is, he’s on his way out the door. She just embarrassed the daylights out of him. I dunno maybe she’s into a lezzie relationship. It wouldn’t surprise me.

  4. I’m gobsmacked, but this lovely lass isn’t married or even in a relationship. I can’t imagine why.


    From her tumblr account:

    “Prior to this election cycle, I mostly tweeted about my lack of money, employment, or a boyfriend. But since the Putrifying Racist Human Orange hasn’t gone away since declaring his candidacy a year ago, I’ve amped up my tweeting,………

    Every so often Jack will come clomping down the stairs and say something like, “Mooom, WHY can’t you just not tweet about Donald Trump for a little while? Please?”

    Sorry, kid. Mommy’s trying to help stop Armageddon from happening over here.”

    This idiot is 47 years old and still has all the brain power and maturity of a spoiled 5 year old brat. Her poor kid will need therapy for life after having to be raised by this deluded, self important, brain-dead twit.

  5. Too bad she didn’t flip off the wrong dude, say a man who would chase her down, walk up to her window once she got blocked in, and start shooting through the glass at the crunt. If a person in this day in time wants to freely express vulgarity at someone who is innocently minding their own business, then be prepared to meet violent resistance. She was lucky he just followed her and let the police know. Very Lucky.

  6. She’s as fucked up as a chicken wire canoe. Get a load of this shit she writes about her seventeen year old son:

    Jack and I have always had a great relationship. My firstborn and I were basically physically attached for the first three years of his life, and we remain emotionally close. We talk about the election in deep detail: he understands gerrymandering, something I’m sure the GOP nominee doesn’t. We watch movies together that his younger brother isn’t yet allowed to see, and often he’ll lean up against me on the couch as we watch. He still kisses me goodnight. He is a sweet, good, smart, funny young man I couldn’t be more proud of. The last year has been one of a natural and slow separation as he chooses to spend more time with his friends than his Mommy, and while it sometimes stings when he makes it clear he’d rather be with them than me, I also know that’s a totally normal teenager thing to do. We all do it, but we don’t get how hard it is on our parents until we go through it ourselves. But just because he’s with me barely an hour a day lately doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt him when he finds out people say terrible things to me on the Internet.

  7. But officer, I have rights because I am 100 pounds and a woman. And He posted a sign that said “Hillary for Prison”. So I get to harass him without repercussion, correct?
    No Maam.

  8. It’s a total mystery why men aren’t lining up to be with her.

    There are plenty of people in state custody because of what they did while “temporarily insane”. This bitch is permanently insane.

    Cops need Thorazine tasers for the likes of her.

    POP! ZZzzz Settle down, bitch!

  9. I’m more focused on the fact that my silent protest was shamed while he didn’t even get a ticket for his excessive response. I’m filing a report in the morning. The more I listen to what the cop said to me, the angrier I get
    2 · Report · Yesterday at 3:11am

    She just pissed because the cop put her on notice that the guy has video recording her escalating behavior, and she has not edit button to justify herself. Oh, and she’s sub-rosa crazy.

  10. The first amendment et.al., as I understand, is a limit on the federal government. It is not blanket immunity from rudeness. Has something changed since civics 101?
    Actions have consequences and that chick is mentally deranged.

  11. @ Loon is correct

    They also think they are unquestionably, so-freaking-obvious-you’re-crazy-not-to-agree, right. It all makes sense in their own minds – if you only understood!

    She posted she found out her son had a Twitter account without getting her permission first but it was OK since he followed school-related people and friends. Then found out all his friends followed her. Then BRAGGED they all came to her house one day and insisted to her son that they meet her before they left.

    No honey, they aren’t fans of yours. You’re free entertainment. Laughing at your craziness is why they follow you. You’re a spectacle to behold.

    You’re the school joke and they pity your son Jack.

    Not one scintilla of self awareness or responsibility for her results in life. It’s everyone else that’s f**ked up.

  12. dad04 – wait until the kids friends all post naked pictures of his mom they took at his house while they were all “meeting” his mom.

    what a loon – rights for me and not for thee.

    did you all notice she said “i have to drive by those signs everyday”.
    what a special snowflake she is.

    this chick has the same “attitude” hillary gives out.

  13. 1. “I have freedom of action. It’s in the Constitution!” (Narcissism on display: IOW, “I’m me and anything I choose to do is legal and admirable!”)

    2. It’s OK for her to act out against this man where he lives, but it is totally unreasonable for him to obtain any information about her, the hysterical drive-by harasser. He should just lay passive until… she breaks his windows?? (Narcissim: I have all privileges, real or imagined. No one is allowed to disagree with me.)

    Thanks lady, for the reminder that I’m overdue for range time. (To exercise my truly inalienable constitutional right.)

  14. She’s just so twee. She did go back to the police station to complain that the officer didn’t express adequate subservience to her (not “taking her side”), and was trying to escalate things, despite his obvious effort at talking her down.

    But there’s hope! She complained to a “woman officer”, asked that the original cop be given sensitivity training.

    Now, because said woman officer (who only listened to her because she’s a fellow woman – wait is that permitted English? – says the loon) gave her time, while likely putting her info in the 51/50 file, AND people have taken it upon themselves to address her directly with threats, she’s completely justified.

    That latter is very unfortunate. Would that people realized situations like this work themselves out just fine. Now she has a lot more fuel for her personal social pyro act.

  15. you dont even have enough respect to shut up and let a cop talk, So he want Trump that is his right just as you want Kilary, If he had given you the finger over her you would have reacted worse, And with your language I bet your son is a lil brat as well. Vote for a killer, a baby killer a thief a woman that puts the nation at risk, steals from the whitehouse is a felon you stupid loom and that is sayong it nocely, I have some better words that will fir you but I would probably get the finger, Such ignorant ppl I hope you read all these comments. Your poor husband that has to hear your mouth everyday but maybe he is stupid like you he did marry you

  16. I would love to hear the Trump supporter’s side of the story. I would bet anything that the screeching cunt did more than flip him the bird. The convenient edits she does when the cop is talking would prolly shed light on that guy’s side of the story.

    She can’t even keep her story straight. First she says she slowed down to give him the finger and later she slips that she stopped. This bitch needs a cunt punt.

    One more thing: she calls the Trump guy a redneck, but the bitch’s teeth look like she’s been chewing gravel.

  17. If that ever-patient police officer had shot her, no jury in the land would ever vote to convict him because it would have been a justifiable homicide. In fact, he would have been given a medal and the key to the city.


  18. We see here a classic textbook example of liberal mentality disorder coupled with terminal narcissistic Democrat groupthink. Bad enough by itself but coupled knowledge that this one has bred and thus continues the degradation of the species saddens me. No mention of sperm donor I hesitate to call whatever impregnated her a man,my money would be either a drunken one night stand or a turkey baster……any bets on either?

  19. Oh My G-D! I just found her page she…the mind reels,the stomach revolts and bile bubbles up to gag ones throat. It is far worse than I at first suspected, her condition,I believe is terminal her brain too far gone in its delusional self-constructed matrix of poisonous egotism to saved. Our only hope now is that her genes skip a generation and that her son’s marry real women and thus ameliorate their affects on future generations

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