Loser Hillary Attacks Billo For Saying Maxine Waters’ Wig Looks Like James Brown’s Hair – IOTW Report

Loser Hillary Attacks Billo For Saying Maxine Waters’ Wig Looks Like James Brown’s Hair

Uhhhh, Crazy Lady, why is it open season on Donald Trump’s hair?


Go have a seizure.

63 Comments on Loser Hillary Attacks Billo For Saying Maxine Waters’ Wig Looks Like James Brown’s Hair

  1. If it were possible to show the numb-minded liberals about hypocrisy, they would still be numb-minded about life, facts and reality in general.

    That makes them absolutely impossible to deal with.

  2. I am sure most here will slam me about this, but I gotta say it. And this rant is not about hair.

    Admin Girl contacted me in 2009 and asked me to me part of this blog (back then she owned the joint) but BFH wanted no part of me. Admin Girl won. She sent me BFH’s personal info as well as links to his art and his websites of those times. Let me say, BFH has some kind of obsession about pencils. As many know, BFH and I have butted heads over the years over many subjects, but we have never outed each other, and we know a lot about each other. That’s now how good get’s accomplished. BFH has no hair, but in general, I agree with his politics. Who the fuck gives a shit about hair?

  3. If I need to explain it to you please enroll in the nearest woman’s finishing school. You need a male roll model. If some one let’s you in their inner chicle you don’t screw them. Like I said, Man The Fuck Up.

  4. Menderman,
    You seem to be passive aggressively threatening me because you know my identity.

    Outing my name puts the people around me in peril because of my work with AFDI.
    Outing my name puts me in peril with Muslims because of my work with AFDI.

    I think you’re going down a very bad road, one that will not end well for you if you keep this up.

    Just walk away.

  5. A: She didn’t out your name.
    B: If you feel she did, and it makes you nervous then running around saying you know who I am is not too smart, is it?
    C: You once changed your avatar here on iOTW to your real name.
    That was way before Pamela “outed you.”
    And she did not print your name.
    She printed a pseudonym. BY ACCIDENT.

  6. OK, menderman… You’ve used your real name here before, with your own photo, and we all know you on facebook. So you are pretty much screwed if you start shit here because authorities will be able to find you no problem.

    Outing bfh will maybe end up outing the rest of us at iotw too. Should anything happen to bfh or the rest of us, like I don’t know, threats from muslims, or crazed lefties… You think we are all going to be happy and set still for that? You seem to WANT trouble. You seem to want to be fought with. Are you suicidal? Are you going to maybe go full retard running around saying people are trying to kill you now because you are on the verge of starting something you won’t be able to handle? You’re so strange.
    Maybe I should forward your entire comment file to a professional, because you really need help.
    Maybe you should call your AA sponsor now.

  7. Brad, This is the old menderman. He just can’t hide it anymore. Ask all his facebook friends. Well, the friends he used to have.

    ….Yeah, you’ll wish your comments were edited, menderman.

  8. Menderman, sell whatever you have you don’t have to tell anyone because no one cares. I think you should work on getting back in touch with your kid and hash out your problems and stop causing harm here. Acting this way here, does not solve your life’s problems. And stop drinking.

  9. Ohhh you can’t threaten me with anything, sweetheart. You’re cute though. You have screenshots of what? You fighting with people on facebook? You getting kicked out of about 3 or 4 groups because of you calling people racist and threatening to tell the facebook police made up stories about this and that? LOL. Please.

  10. Noooo You got thrown out for calling me a racist and acting like a little bitch when you got caught in a lie and couldn’t explain yourself. Oh but actually you got thrown out for doing something else to one of the administrators and a few other members as well. But you can’t keep that shit straight though. You were so hysterical! You know, like now. lol

  11. You’re being a martyr. You don’t see that?
    You’re demanding to be blocked so “people can talk about you.”

    Do you think this is garnering sympathy from anyone witnessing this dreck on this thread?

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