Lotsa you guys were thrown into the spam filter the last couple of days – IOTW Report

Lotsa you guys were thrown into the spam filter the last couple of days

The settings were way too tight, flagging stuff that shouldn’t have been flagged. It wasn’t personal, and no one did anything wrong, ‘cept me.

Consider this an open thread to restate what it is you were saying that didn’t get posted.

(I can’t wait to see what this thread becomes.))

44 Comments on Lotsa you guys were thrown into the spam filter the last couple of days

  1. I posted the Hillary and Huma boinking video. I’m to scared too do it again. Someone else connected to her just committed suicide by water boarding himself to death.

  2. THREAD “Facebook is going to rely on its users to shadow ban news outlets”

    Tried to post the below 5 times after restarting and logging off my system and rebooting.
    Still couldn’t post on the above thread.

    Jeez, frustrating….even though I generally state the obvious.

    What I tried unsuccessfully to post:

    Public schools teach altered US History, new math, social justice, perverted life styles, diversity, white privilege and atheism, yet great majority of people still send their children to Public Schools with little, if any, concern.

    Most people will stay with Facebook and consume the same anti-US lunacy and stupidity their children are served in Public Schools.

    The enlightened know this is much more than just social media.

    THANKS BFH !!! Thought I was banned for stating the obvious.

  3. I was hanging out here with a bottle of water I brought with me and when I asked to use the restroom I was kicked out and not allowed back in.

    I hope one of you caught the whole thing on your phone.

  4. Dammit!
    I mad e a really bigtomanious flabbergasting exselsior commentary about some stuff and nwo it’s goned forever!

    It had a swirrl and some little grils and stuff and was super profoundly writtened – jill thot I desreved som ice cream it was so good!.? at. and stuff.

  5. It’s too late to explain.
    I remain convinced that the FBI is all over my ‘puter: email accounts, financial sites.
    And I can’t go out and work on my lawn neither.


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