Louise Fletcher, actress hailed for ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,’ dead at 88 – IOTW Report

Louise Fletcher, actress hailed for ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,’ dead at 88


Louise Fletcher, the actress immortalized for her performance as the heartless Nurse Ratched in 1975’s “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” died on Friday at 88.

Fletcher, who passed away at her home in Montdurausse, France, was known for decades as the steely nurse who oversaw the men’s psych ward in director Milos Forman’s classic American film. She won an Oscar for that performance and was nominated for several other awards. 

Fletcher’s career spanned decades from the late 1950s to 2020. She appeared in numerous movies and television shows throughout the course of her work, including an extended run on “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.”  more

21 Comments on Louise Fletcher, actress hailed for ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,’ dead at 88

  1. I didn’t hate “One Flew Over” when it came out, but I SURE have come to hate it SINCE then. That’s because it became a propaganda centerpiece that was used to deinstitutionalize people who genuinely NEEDED to be in institutions just in time for me to have to deal with the blowback by ferrying them to hospitals that would just release them 5 minutes later, after a cop red-tagged them for fits of violence and arson and all kinds of other fun that being giddy bonkers excused them from. Lots of times they went to ill-trained temporary keepers where the neighbors weren’t notified, where they would get negleted, abused, or decide to go live under a bridge, hence the origin of modern homelessness.

    Sometimes they just killed themselves too.

    Which they wouldn’t be able to do (usually) in an institution.

    Didn’t do the community or soceity or their neighbors any good, and it didn’t do THEM any favors either.

    But hey, a fictional character was mean to Jack Nicholson and made an Indian mad, so shutting them down made everyone who didn’t actually have to DEAL with crazies feelz good, so TOTES worth throwing the baby out with the bathwater, nicht wahr? /s

    …and so, along with modern homelessness, modern virtue signalling was born.

  2. “I didn’t hate “One Flew Over” when it came out, but I SURE have come to hate it SINCE then.”

    Yep. It was like a warning of what was to come. However, she played one hell of a part.

  3. SO, let me get something strait here

    Lobotomizing a human is such a horrific practice that we needed to dump all the patients of mental hospitasl on the streets where they would suffer from their illness anyway and occasionally murder one of the middle class swine who never spend time on Marthas Vineyard

    So when the Kennedys lobotomized one of their own, it still means that they are the second coming of Camelot

    But when Nixon delayed going to Duke Law School for a year to take care of his tuberculosis ridden brother that only means hes the ultimate Prince Of The Political Darkness who must be driven from office even if it causes grievous harm to the nation

    Dont get me started on the Kennedys

  4. RIP Louise Fletcher. Remember when actresses were, well, actresses …and they could actually act? Remember when movies were well written, original productions?

    I miss those days.


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