Love Hating Trump or Hate Hating Trump? – IOTW Report

Love Hating Trump or Hate Hating Trump?

Mollie Hemingway has a nice piece today on the effect Donald Trump is having on politics.


Basically, everyone is a fault for the man’s popularity.

Love Trump, are you actually paying attention to the man as a serious candidate or just enjoy using him as a club to beat the two parties to a bloody mass?

Hate Trump, the elite opponents in the progressive quadrumvirate (politics, media, academia, entertainment) all try to leverage themselves by misrepresenting what the candidate says. These people are the slimiest of the scum pond they inhabit.




27 Comments on Love Hating Trump or Hate Hating Trump?

  1. Either way, Trump is doing a tremendous service for America, and the world. He is an deservedly arrogant asshole that knows how to get things done and doesn’t give a shit what anybody thinks about him (except his hair). If winning is what you want and don’t care how you get there, Trump IS the man!

  2. Donald Trump is a creation and a counter balance to pop culture and the MSM. Pop culture says pubic figures cannot criticize anyone based on gender, race or culture – Trump then proceeds to criticize people and mention their gender, race or culture. Pop culture says ordinary people, which is most Americans, must love the sexually different and the sexually deviate – Trump ignores them. Terrorism is a problam, and while roughly 100% of terrorists are middle eastern Muslims, pop culture says we cannot discriminate or profile. Trump proposes to both profile and discriminate. Politicians are, as a general rule, spineless and greedy bastards who sole purpose in life is to get re-elected – Trump refuses to kowtow to these people. Pop culture says success is something to be ashamed of; Trump celebrates it.

    Pop culture is dominated by the PC crowd, and Trump is showing that if not a majority, at least a significant percentage of citizens don’t like PC. Trump is saying things most people think, and this makes him popular and drives the pop culture crowd nuts – which increases his popularity.

  3. My vote for Trump is NOT an FU vote. Who else is more qualified to get our economy back. What candidate since Reagan puts America first. If your vote for Trump is an FU vote I suggest you take a better look at who’s running and what they’re saying. And I don’t give a rats ass if he doesn’t qualify as the establishments definition of a conservative.

  4. My very small problem with what you have written here is that you identify him as a Pop Culture personality. He’s not. He’s the ultimate bidness man, and he alway wins. Read his book.

  5. Maybe it depends on your perspective. Manufacturing is currently less than 8% of GDP. When ass bite took office manufacturing was 18% of GDP thank to that Rocket Surgeon GW. Normally manufacturing is about 28% of GDP. Manufacturing has the highest economic multiplier of 1.8. Look it up. Trump can bring that back. Nobody else can.

  6. Make no bones about it, any and every president that takes office whether it be Obama, Trump, Hillary, Bernie, are there because God allowed it to be so.
    Problem is, people keep electing presidents that want nothing to do with Him.

  7. You are right Charlie. Can I call you Chuck? Screw the hell out of the global damn economy. It’s time to grab it by the throat. We own it. We are the consumers. It’s high time to take it back. Trump knows this.

  8. I don’t see the two as being mutually exclusive.
    I like his abilities and accomplishments.
    I LOVE that he is a big FU to the UniParty.

    (…after all, it’s not the “hate” as much as the PAYBACK I enjoy.)

  9. The things that are troubling me most these days on a national scale are the economy and our security. For the purpose of this discussion, I am expanding the definition of “security” to include all matters of immigration.

    Trump is the candidate who has spoken out most strongly on both these matters. He is entirely his own man and beholden to no one. Don’t like what he’s about? You are cordially invited to kiss his $10 billion ass.

    With each passing week I am becoming more and more impressed with the way he has transformed the political discussion in this country. He is awesome, and I think his campaign is the cleverest one I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe that the editors of Time chose Angela Merkel as Hag of the Year. Trump wuz robbed!

  10. It never fails to amaze me how people discount the brilliance, determination and insight Trump must have to turn a $1 million loan into a $10 billion business in one of the toughest businesses and most competitive markets in the the world.

    I don’t believe Mafia bosses who controlled every aspect of construction in Manhattan rolled over for a brash kid with a degree from Wharton.

    I don’t believe that politically entrenched, wealthy developers willingly lost projects to Trump because his father built low and middle income housing in Queens.

    Yet, after 40+ years in highly competitive businesses the media can’t find any competitors or previous colleagues to hammer about what an underhanded shyster or lousy boss he is. You know they’ve looked under every rock.

    Trump has an ability to size people up quickly, exploit the leverage points and walk away a winner without leaving scorched earth behind him. Reagan was like that but more affable and, perhaps, less competitive.

    Today we need competitive because we’re at a point of no return. To continue forward takes us off the cliff. Behind us and on either side are pc zombies who feast on us.

    When the people need a leader, one man rises from the group and leads. It looks like Trump is that leader for this time and our last best hope.

  11. I like Mollie Hemingway, she’s usually pretty good. As pointed out in the SE Cupp thread yesterday, Trump is having a good effect on both liberal and conservative media. We’ve always known the mainstream media was liberal, but he’s flushing out the pseudoconservatives also.

    There is no issue but immigration. Period. I will vote for whoever will shut off the floodgates. And so should any Republican. There will be no Republican party in 10 years after Texas and Florida go blue.

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