Low Turn Out For Aunt Maxine’s “Tweet-A-Thon” – IOTW Report

Low Turn Out For Aunt Maxine’s “Tweet-A-Thon”


On Sunday, Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) held an event meant to draw young voters to support “our fearless champion in congress,” and to tweet out their approval of their congressional representative.

While the Waters campaign hasn’t released a statement on the numbers in attendance, video footage of the event indicates a mere handful took advantage of the opportunity to tweet all their friends on social media how much they love the self- described, “millennial“congresswoman. More

16 Comments on Low Turn Out For Aunt Maxine’s “Tweet-A-Thon”

  1. Local Sacramento Talk Radio is already reporting low voter turn out. Conservatives are revved up. We are not staying home. Keep your fingers crossed for a few upsets.

  2. It only looks like a low turnout because the dead people didn’t have a ride.

    Hope your right Brad, keep up the pressure and enthusiasm on conservatives.

  3. The low turnout was just bad timing. Everyone knows government checks come out on the first, and it takes a while to sober up. At least that’s how it works here on and around the rez.

  4. But only about 50,000,000 people live within 20 miles of Hawthorne. So there is a lot of strong support to fight Don. (Sarcasm) For Easterners it is near LAX ; a densely populated area of SoCal. Up to about 20 years ago the 5 mi. radius would have been a “Black” community. Now Spanish speakers rival the Eubonic speakers in #.


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