Macron Govt: Yellow Vests Have Destroyed 60 Percent of France’s Speed Cameras – IOTW Report

Macron Govt: Yellow Vests Have Destroyed 60 Percent of France’s Speed Cameras

Breitbart: Emmanuel Macron’s interior minister has revealed that Yellow Vest protesters have destroyed 60 per cent of France’s speed cameras.

“Nearly 60 per cent of the radars today have been neutralised, attacked, destroyed” by the anti-globalist movement Christophe Castaner railed, disparaging the anti-globalist movement as “imbeciles”.

“I saw on social networks some idiots appear next to burned radars… I do not wish them to face tomorrow the reality of a death on the road,” he seethed, vowing “resolute action” by the Gendarmes — France’s paramilitary police force.  more

22 Comments on Macron Govt: Yellow Vests Have Destroyed 60 Percent of France’s Speed Cameras

  1. Baby steps.
    I have never understood why we endure those malicious things.
    They are robotic revenue collectors – nothing more – it has never been proved that they prevented a single accident – a single death.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @Tim January 11, 2019 at 5:54 pm

    > I have never understood why we endure those malicious things.

    Because we are AMERICANS! Heroes of the free world! Not cheese eating surrender monkeys.

  3. Hey, Bad_Brad! What would be the longest distance one might expect to reliably punch holes in a speed camera sized target using what subsonic cartridge fired from what suppressed rifle?

    Asking for a friend, natch!

  4. The yellow vests haven’t been emulated yet. If the Italian 5 star movement and these yellow people can team up with the protesters in Brussles… that would literally be the end of the E.U.

    Course, that would never happen cuz Germany would have to intervene. Probably by swinging west through Belgium and then turning south so as to encircle Paris….

  5. @Uncle Al January 11, 2019 at 6:22 pm

    > Somebody ought to make a replica of Christophe’s license plates good enough for the photo, put ’em on a similar car to his, and blast through one of the remaining speed trap cams at 200 KPH.

    People who can afford a car, even similar to his, are not yellow vested imbeciles (all “long” “e” sounds, in that last word).

  6. @Uncle Al January 11, 2019 at 6:25 pm

    > What would be the longest distance one might expect to reliably punch holes in a speed camera sized target using …

    “I want to say one word to you. Just one word.”

    “Are you listening?”

    “Drones. Thoughts. And Prayers.”

  7. @Aaron Burr January 11, 2019 at 6:36 pm

    > Probably by swinging west through Belgium and then turning south so as to encircle Paris….

    The New German troops are so gut, they’ve arrived before the order was even given.

  8. Maybe they could afford a rental that goes faster than 70 MPH.

    I refuse to use the metric system. You know who invented the metric system?


    Get these Frogs a Ford GT and slap a licence plate on that.

  9. “I saw on social networks some idiots appear next to burned radars… I do not wish them to face tomorrow the reality of a death on the road,

    PUH! Typical government lie. They don’t give 2 shits about your death. They DO car about those precious road lottery winning machines that help balance budgets and keep politicians from having to raise taxes to cover the costs.

    As soon as you fight back the tyranny, they rush in with 1000 excuses why tyranny is good for you with the worst case scenario.

    FUCK THE POLICE. I hope Conservatives wake up and realize we existed quite well without unionized / centralized psychopathic government overseers with our right to be armed and protect ourselves.

    Stop supporting government in all forms, even your favorite parts. The military is bloated and over-extended. Bring them home to our border and monitor government for corruption.


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