Maddow Given Two Weeks to Retract Slander Against OAN – IOTW Report

Maddow Given Two Weeks to Retract Slander Against OAN

Daily Caller

One America News Network (OANN) demanded retractions from MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and The Daily Beast’s Kevin Poulsen after both suggested links between the network and Russian propaganda.

Poulsen wrote an article stating OANN’s Kristian Rouz is a “Russian national on the payroll of the Kremlin’s official propaganda outlet, Sputnik.” That same day, Maddow said on “The Rachel Maddow Show” that OANN “really, literally is Russian propaganda.” More

27 Comments on Maddow Given Two Weeks to Retract Slander Against OAN

  1. Although it is all too common for hit and run journalists to hide behind the First Amendment as a shield when they ply shoddy fact-less slander, their lack of integrity is already caked into the cake, hence their ever-dwindling viewership. Who really listens to Rachel Maddow anyway except the twitchy little incel who fantasizes about joining Antifa just so women might talk to him?

    No, this is better left ignored. I would say that Rachel is the leftest equivalent to Alex Jones, but even Alex has more legitimacy.

  2. Rich, “No, this is better left ignored.”

    I agreed with you on all you said except this. We (the right) have been silent too long. The left have set the rules, so let’s make them live by the same standards they force us to live by.

    They force people to lose their jobs, sue them to make them bake their cakes, dox them to allow their followers to harass their families, and cause as much damage as possible.

    Journalism is the focus of this case. How many years have we seen the decline in objective reporting? In my early life, I thought Walter Cronkite was the epitome of a respected newsman. Now we know just what his agenda was and it wasn’t to report the news objectively.

    We can no longer let the left get away with transforming our society. How can we accomplish that? I say, this is one way. Some people want Civil War. I understand the desire to take back our way of life, but let’s try this first.

    Last point: Ignoring the left is how we got here in the first place. We were too comfortable and didn’t listen to our Founders: Benjamin Franklin, we have “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

  3. Claudia, I get sentiment; the left does x,y and z so we must fight back by indulging in the same type of behavior, that is a bridge too far for me.

    The left routinely uses character assassination, identity politics, doxxing, whipping up unruly mobs to chase good people out of restaurants, threats of violence, even slander and liable in the furtherance of their objectives. The answer is not to do likewise, to be just as lawless, rude, and vile, the answer is to call them out on it and identify bad behavior for what it is.

    If I went into the woods and yelled, “Claudia is not a nice person, she does not recycle her trash”, are you really harmed? This is what Rachel is doing, she has nobody in her woods to listen to her.

    I prefer private citizens like Nick Sandmann, Jack Philips, or Melissa and Aaron Klein, these folks need to bring the legal hammer to smite those that wronged them.

    One network slipping into irrelevancy saying nasty things about another network, both public entities? To me, not really worth the effort.

  4. Claudia,
    Don’t forget Donny Douchebag Deutsch and the msNBC Juicy Gang. The Douchebag Traitor declared Open War on the President of the United States.
    Open War.
    This isn’t hyperberbole.
    He explicitly said no holds barred war.
    It was broadcast Live and he wasn’t laughing.
    He said “Nothing is off the table. Nothing.”

    Check the Record.

  5. Rich, yes, we should never sink to the left’s tactics, “character assassination, identity politics, doxxing, whipping up unruly mobs to chase good people out of restaurants, threats of violence, even slander and liable in the furtherance of their objectives”.

    The slander came from Rachel Maddow and OAN was liabled. You may not think that she and CNN have very many viewers (they don’t), but their reach goes further than just their viewers. Other news venues – print, social media, and other networks – repeat the message. Look how many people in our country first believed that President Trump colluded with Russia. We all heard that for the last three years and counting. How many people will never believe the truth once they heard it from the left for the first time?

    So, though the left is losing their hold on some who used to believe everything they said, the fact is that we still have a large portion of our country who will believe what CNN says. I don’t know what OAN is suffering because of what Maddow said, but someone has to stand up to them. You spoke of Nick Sandmann – well, his lawsuit was dismissed. Sometimes you need more muscle behind you to get justice. That is what OAN has.

    BTW, Rich. Good discussion.

  6. Yeah, I was saddened to hear that Nick’s suit got quashed but it goes towards the difficulty of suing a news organization for speech, even knowingly fallacious speech. Many private citizens are legitimately harmed by stories the reporters know going in are not factual and lack merit. Nick was genuinely harmed by these stories. His legal team is not giving up, more than one way to skin a cat.

    “BTW, Rich. Good discussion.”

    Ditto. Sometimes I intentionally take a contrarian position on topics (like the runaway GOP Oregon legislators, and the Newsome recall) to provoke thoughtful discussions and to get away from the usual,” Maddow is a @#$%#@#$%, f*ck her the dumb c*nt” type of comments. I know good folks like yourself are up to the challenge 🙂

  7. Unfortunatetly, there is only one way to stop a bully because they inspire other cowards to gang up. Ignoring a bully doesn’t work. They need to be hit hard. That can be a metaphorical hit such as a lawsuit, but whatever the tactic, it has to hurt them bad enough that they won’t do it again.

  8. Well said, Claudia. Agree 100%

    This is a multi-front war against the Left. And always go back to the Bible for instructions: Let your “no” be “no” and your “yes” be “yes.” Make no bones of calling out lies and deceit where they exist in the media. The Leftist media have only one goal, to maintain their power. They don’t care how they do it and who they destroy in the process.


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