Madeleine Halfbright – “I’m ‘Ready To Register As Muslim’ To Fight Trump” – IOTW Report

Madeleine Halfbright – “I’m ‘Ready To Register As Muslim’ To Fight Trump”

Well, she would improve her looks dramatically in a burka.

Madeleine Albright I was raised Catholic, became Episcopalian & found out later my family was Jewish. I stand ready to register as Muslim in .
Solidarity with Muslims?
Well, since she’s found out she’s a Jew I’m sure the Muslims will simply love her.
Who are the Muslims in solidarity with throughout the world, besides one-off rogue morons who do not live in Muslim countries?

48 Comments on Madeleine Halfbright – “I’m ‘Ready To Register As Muslim’ To Fight Trump”

  1. yes, throw yourself under the bus while the sane world begins to recognize and deal with the threat

    please do register as a muslim, and do us a favor and move the middle east for your welcome party

    these are the idiots who have endangered us, useful idiots to the demise of the entire planet

    we really dodged a serious bullet by kicking hillary to the curb and rejecting this ugly nonsense

    pontificating pile of poop

  2. Just another used up old liberal trying to stay current so they get invited to comment on some news show and get a check to buy a few cases of that tasty Ensure meal replacement, Yum.

  3. Classic marxist lie. Trump has no “Muslim registry” other than what already exists. And if it ever gets used to purge the country, then I hope all these marxist shitbags do register as muslims.

  4. Maddy,

    Register as a North Korean government apparatchik. You got rolled BADLY by Kim Jong Il, when you negotiated food for no-nukes. The Norks got food for “starving chilllllld-ren” and all the nukes they can use.

    With opposition like you, who needs allies?

  5. She’s going to convert to Filthy Mohammedan Savageism?

    Look in the dictionary for the definition of “Self-Hating Jew” and there’s her picture.

  6. Maddy, Maddy, Maddy … go on down to the local moslem Registrar’s office at the mosque and do it!
    Talk is cheap.
    Pack up your shit and move to Mecca!
    Put up or shut up!

    Another grandstanding hypocrite, hypocritically grandstanding. Don’t these klowns ever tire of making fools of themselves? Do they really think it’s courageous to blather that bullshit, here? In America? Go to North Korea, China, Russia, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Cuba – wherever – and yammer that shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Oh Maddie, please, go to the middle east. Do America a BIG fat ass favor. Go over there, open your mouth. Tell them what you think. Wear a star of David. Wear a rainbow ribbon. Strut your stuff around town in a thong while eating a pork sandwich.

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