Madonna Ashamed To Be an American – IOTW Report

Madonna Ashamed To Be an American

The woman who offered oral sex to anyone who would vote for Hillary is ashamed to be an American. In fact, she said she’s ashamed to be a human.


Trump….. yawn.

I want to know if she’s ashamed by her singing. She recently charged $5000 a seat to raise money for children in Africa and warbled out a slow rendition of Brittany Spears’ Toxic that was so off key the kids in Africa told her they’d rather starve.

No, seriously. This is horrendous. I know no one cares about Madonna. I post this in hopes that it spreads so that people will stop paying this no talent whore to open her mouth, whether she’s singing or sucking.

See the train wreck HERE.

44 Comments on Madonna Ashamed To Be an American

  1. I mean yes, she’s a tramp and all but she is also good for stories. Years back when she married Guy Ritchie and purchased a huge English estate she ended up taking on a really bad british accent. It bad yet the silly twat didn’t realize it and it just got more and more of a joke. She didn’t lose it until she moved back to the US and even then I gather it took a few weeks.

  2. Feeling ashamed? to feel ashamed you would have to feel some sense of shame. Meaning, she would have some sense of morality. Madonna has no shame or morality.

    Am I the only one that finds it just a bit ironic that the material girl is ashamed of Trump?

  3. As an American by choice, formerly a Canadian, I agree with Frank & Doc. She, her slutiness, her crappy Cockney (I heard it once but guess she dropped it?) accent all make me cringe. My wife, likewise a proud American by choice, cringe when we see or hear her. There are no kinder, generous, honorable people than Americans, all Americans but particularly those in the heartland. She has the total freedom to say what she wants, but I have the freedom to be nauseated and to respond. Ashamed . . . get the hell out then.

  4. Madonna needs to know that she betrays intelligent American women by assuming that we are all alike and should stand together because we are females. According to people like her, Bruce Jenner is now a woman. I bet “she” voted for Trump.

  5. Maybe she can go steal some more African children to add to her hoard, to assuage her hurty feelz. That rush of sanctimony and endorphins that these pet, err…children, horders get from their faux altruism/virtue signaling should fix all her probs. At least until her next personal crisis hits.

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