Magnolia Thunderpu$$y is Retrofitted With a Sausage Garage on Taxpayer Dime – IOTW Report

Magnolia Thunderpu$$y is Retrofitted With a Sausage Garage on Taxpayer Dime

Jerome Nimmons, AKA: Magnolia Thunderpussy, a male prostitute with HIV, from a self-described Atlanta “family” of “transvestites and gay kids,” just got out of prison for fraud and has been on the public dole most of his entire life.


Breitbart– Arriving by bus with only $200 in his pocket, within only a few weeks, Jerome scored a state-supported apartment, monthly disability checks, obtained food stamps, and proceeded to spend his leisurely days watching television.

This wondrous American citizen, one that brings tears to the eyes of the left, was just given a free sex-change operation. He even got a free lawyer to have his name changed.

Meanwhile, I’m going broke with the cost of my “Affordable Health Care.”

Reagan never dreamed that when he said “welfare queen” that he’d be so accurate. The left still denies they exist. HERE IT IS, in all its mentally deranged faggotry glory.


Breitbart – As for Jerome, he now considers himself a “heterosexual woman” and is now dating a “transgender man,” that is, a woman who thinks she’s a man and who may want the facsimile of a “penis” surgically applied. Jerome says he is surprised since he has never been attracted to a woman, even one who wants to be a man. Jerome also says he is now a “whole new being.”

20 Comments on Magnolia Thunderpu$$y is Retrofitted With a Sausage Garage on Taxpayer Dime

  1. Meanwhile Mooselimb Thundercunt is going to get the USA involved in WWIII with Russia over Syria…Putin is escalating and Thundercunt is in the golfcourse showeroom doing hell knows what….

  2. Or a 25 cent condom. But hey, the taxpayers are paying thousands a month for his HIV drugs. So its all good. For him anyway. And being a tranny or having HIV doesn’t make you unable to work. How’s he scamming disability?

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