Maher crosses picket line, says ‘Time to bring people back to work’ – IOTW Report

Maher crosses picket line, says ‘Time to bring people back to work’

JTN: Bill Maher had the perfect Plan B for the ongoing Hollywood strikes.

The host of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” joined the podcasting revolution earlier this year as a creative side hustle. So when the May 2 writers’ strike shut down every late-night talk show save Fox News’ “Gutfeld!” Maher kept on talking via his “Club Random” podcast.

Now, Maher is ready to resume his “Real Time” duties even though the strike is far from over. Drew Barrymore is doing the same on her eponymous talk show. 

Will these industry veterans pay a price for their actions?

For Maher, getting back to work made sense, and he shared why on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

“It has been five months, and it is time to bring people back to work,” he wrote. “The writers have important issues that I sympathize with, and hope they are addressed to their satisfaction, but they are not the only people with issues, problems, and concerns.  more here

13 Comments on Maher crosses picket line, says ‘Time to bring people back to work’

  1. Maher has always been a smug, totally overrated, preening asshole.
    (anyone catch his latest Hawaiian-shirt, cigar-smoking. trying-to-be-manly schtick? … cringeworthy creepiness)

    the ‘strike’ (yawn) must be hurting his cash-flow, affecting his rent-an-underage-teenager intake

  2. “… getting back to work …”
    That fukkin maggot has never done a day’s work in his entire useless life.
    He runs his mouth for a living.
    And neither have any of those other maggots who’re on strike.

    They wouldn’t know work if it bit em on the ass.

    “What if they went on strike and nobody noticed?”

    A pox on ALL their houses.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Is Maher feeling the penny pinch? Is he about ready to lose his apartment and live in his car? Seems to me he would enjoy this long vacation for himself and colleagues. Heard some celebs say if the strike went beyond August, that Hollyweird was done. Here we are almost September and Hollyweird is still functioning. I don’t own a TV or go to the movies, so I’m good to go without you all.

  4. Waaa, Mayher wants the writers to write semi-funny liberal bull shit for him so he can get his outrageous salary.

    He’s worth $140 million dollars. I have no sympathy for him.


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