Maine Gov: Refugees Support Trump Travel Ban – IOTW Report

Maine Gov: Refugees Support Trump Travel Ban

LZ: Although a Maine congresswoman calls President Donald Trump’s revised temporary travel ban “erratic, irrational, and inhumane,” the Pine Tree State’s governor said Thursday that refugees living there support it.

Gov. Paul LePage made the comment on “The Laura Ingraham Show” when asked about a local TV news report on opposition among refugees living in Maine.  Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) also blasted the order.

LePage disputed those accounts.

“I met with the Somali community yesterday in Maine, and they’re very much in support of Donald Trump … In fact, they gave me a letter to bring down to him,” he said. “Many are from South Sudan, and there’s a lot of genocide, a lot of problems. And they’re indebted to George W. [Bush] ’cause he brought them here.”

LePage said the refugees want input.

“What they’re saying, however, is they want to have some dialogue with him on how to do it,” he said. “This is what they’re tell me: Properly vetted, the refugee community will come here and they will do a good a job.”  read more