Two of Japan’s leading medical researchers have issued a warning after their major autopsy study found that people who died from a sudden cardiac arrest had multiple scars in their hearts caused by Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
The study was conducted by cardiologist Dr. Tomomi Koizumi and pathologist Dr. Masao Ono of the Mito Medical Center in Higashi-Ibarakigun, Japan.
They sought to identify the cause of spikes in “unexplained cardiac arrest.”
The study’s paper was published in the journal JACC: Case Reports.
Alarmingly, the researchers discovered that people who died suddenly after receiving an mRNA injection had “multiple micro-scars” (MMS) in and around their hearts.
The enigmatic pathological phenomenon was only found in the myocardium of Covid-vaccinated patients who succumbed to unexplained cardiac arrest.
The researchers note that these microscopic scars are undetectable by conventional imaging. more
And yet most hospitals still require the clot shot in order to receive certain treatments.
We have to tolerate liberals. Not one of them would read this report or ever admit something is wrong. They still insist they would have been worse off if not for the jab. SMDH. Ya can’t fix stupid. Oh, by the way; one is terminal, one has had Covid 3 times, one has had clot surgery three times, and one died way too young.
In this country EVERY doctor, even coroners, serve at the “behest” of the government apparatus. Want to keep working? Then SHUT UP about what you are finding. Thank goodness we defeated Japan so THEY could have some degree of freedom. LOL
Must be nice to not have a Democrat coroner with a history of slanting reports to serve the Party.
The scars might be microscopic but the dead kid I pulled out of the toilet sure wasnt.
He was vaxxxed.
Neither was the pregnant woman who kept having siezures until she lost her baby.
She was vaxxxed.
The dozen or so chest pains I helped manage for a couple years there were plenty easy to see too.
All vaxxxed.
And my mother who died a year ago on Valentine’s Day of a turbo cancer that normally takes decades to develop, we needed no sort of magnifying glass to see HER at her layout either.
She was vaxxxed.
…and these are just SOME of the ones I was personally involved with. Everyone has a horrible history from that era, a legacy of dead friends and lost loved ones.
All Jabbed.
…but the other common factor about the ones I know about is that no one in an “official” capacity asks about the REAL common factor. Not the squad, not the hospital, certainly not the Democrat coroner where my victims went. I asked the question which is why I know, but its just data no one but me collected, and I aint nobody.
So we all know, but they made sure we cant prove it
…and so they just keep on merrily mutating children for absolutely no valid reason at all other than to keep their legal immunity going and their blood money flowing, and maybe too just because they enjoy sacrificing innocents to their god satan…
…if yo
They should be “safe and effective” scars on their hearts.
I recently discovered a 43 yo friend died suddenly in October (2024)… He would not discuss his vaxx status as he was (sorely) aware of where I stood. RIP Brian.
I won’t go into my usual rant about how many I know who died due to this shit.
I will just share an argument I had with a stupid person who asked if I didn’t care to die and truly believe it will kill you why I won’t get it.
Maybe the same reason I won’t shoot myself in the head.
But another reason is the thing sheds and I’m with my grandkids a lot and would never subject them to it.
Would it be unethical /immoral of me to asks leftist I don’t particularly care for it they’ve had their booster yet?
I’m asking only half in jest.
Hospitals can and many are still requiring the COVID death shot because the “COVID emergency” was extended to 2029. The Prep Act and the Cares Act are still in force. The hospitals can and many will still kill you for the money.