Major Department Store’s Unforced Error – IOTW Report

Major Department Store’s Unforced Error

H&M runs a picture in their catalog of a black child in a hoodie with the caption on it reading-

Coolest Monkey in the Jungle.

SJWs never leave open the possibility that someone could be so colorblind, so innocent, so not racist, that they didn’t even for one moment think that this ad would be offensive.

But that doesn’t matter in 2018. The militant industrial complex wakes up in the morning looking for racism, turning over every rock. So in that atmosphere, this store’s ad was doomed. It is a no-brainer. It’s the type of ad that can get stock prices to move in a downtrend.

Who knows, maybe they knew exactly what they were doing and thought this would be funny.

If that’s the case, screw this company. But I really don’t know for sure. So, for now, my pitchfork and torch stays in the broom closet. That’s what reasonable people do. That’s why SJWs are not considered reasonable.

And then there was this opportunist/artist that seized on the moment to advertise his art with an equally divisive message-

“Coolest Kid in the Racist Ass H&M Catalog” 

What makes him the coolest? Because he’s black?


ht/ bubba

20 Comments on Major Department Store’s Unforced Error

  1. Soooo only pure white kids are supposed to wear this? Isn’t that racist to blacks? Because now you’re making blacks sit in the back of the shopping cart. Not cool.

    My nephew is absolutely crazy about monkeys. He’s 1/3 black and the rest is Eurotrash. lol. If you bought him that sweatshirt, you would never ever get him out of it.


  2. The dirty motherfuckers wouldn’t have any problem insisting that if the kid wanted to attend public school in his neighborhood school he has to sit in a building named after the most virulent racist/segregationist President that America has ever had. There are public schools named in honor of Woodrow Wilson all over this country and the same pieces of shit that object to this sweatshirt have no problem naming public schools after Woodrow Wilson.

  3. That’s funny because today I am wearing the exact same thing the kid is wearing – – a green hoodie and jeans. (I’ll bet he’s got white tennis shoes too.)

  4. You know what I haven’t heard mentioned? That, many times the models are not even wearing the actual shirts. You can go to a million sites like Cafe Press for example and have the T Shirt models wearing your shirt designs. They didn’t really wear them, it’s a computer program that puts your design on the model. So in this case, that kid may not have been actually wearing that shirt.
    Of course, now that you know you can have any model wearing anything you like it does open up some interesting possibilities… H(&)Mmmmmmmm

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