Major News Outlets Omit Murdering Judge’s Race and Party Affiliation – IOTW Report

Major News Outlets Omit Murdering Judge’s Race and Party Affiliation

Major news outlets managed to report about a judge, who was incarcerated for beating his wife and then later stabbed her to death, without showing a picture of him, mentioning his race or his party affiliation.

Posted by u/super_ag – r/Conservative

… “totally not fake news” outlets like The Washington PostNBC NewsNewsweekABC NewsHuffPo, and Slate Magazine, just to name a few, fail to make any mention of what party he was affiliated with. The New York Times did mention Mason was a “a former high-ranking Democratic state lawmaker,” to their credit.

Now, just imagine if a Republican judge beat the shit out of his wife, got a slap on the wrist, got hired by a Republican Mayor and ended up killing his wife. You think the media would make no mention of what party he represented? When I first came across this news, I pretty much knew he was a Democrat because his party was not in the headline or mentioned in the articles. But don’t worry, guys. The media is totally unbiased and simply tells things how they are.



14 Comments on Major News Outlets Omit Murdering Judge’s Race and Party Affiliation

  1. Considering how things are in the Peoples’ Republic of Cuyahoga County, he’ll have to pay a fine, get two years probation, and have to attend an anger management class. Because woke.

  2. @Cassandra Shapiro-Dawes:

    Only racists would focus on any criminal being anything other than white.

    Only racist journalists consider non-white criminals to be in need of special handling. That could only be because those racist journalists take it for granted that non-whites are less capable and somehow inferior.

  3. “Now, just imagine if a Republican judge beat the shit out of his wife, got a slap on the wrist, got hired by a Republican Mayor and ended up killing his wife.”

    Why imagine?
    Refer to the story of the Texas prof whose life was ruined by FAKE NEWS propagandist progressives.

    (btw, can we agree to just call what they are, Anti-American subversives)

  4. They think they are so damn clever. Shutting down the comments is their latest trick around here. As soon as readers see that they know with almost absolute that there is a coverup.

  5. Guy beat his wife.
    Got off light.
    Hired by the Mayor of Cleveland.
    Murdered his wife.
    Rammed a Police Car.
    Got arrested.

    Now, seriously … is it necessary to write “Demonrat” and “negro?”
    The turnaround shock would be if he were “Republican” and “asian” wouldn’t it?
    Like the Mayor of Cleveland’s gonna hire a “Republican” anyway?

    izlamo delenda est …


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