Majority of Americans Afraid To State Political Views – IOTW Report

Majority of Americans Afraid To State Political Views

Daily Caller

Self-censorship is on the rise according to a new Cato Institute survey that reports nearly two-thirds of Americans are afraid to share their political views.

A new CATO Institute/YouGov national survey found 62% of Americans say the political climate today prevents them from saying what they believe.

This is up several points from 2017 when 58% of Americans said they were afraid to share their political beliefs. β€œ31% of liberals, 30% of moderates and 34% of conservatives are worried their political views could get them fired or harm their career trajectory,” the CATO survey stated. More

22 Comments on Majority of Americans Afraid To State Political Views

  1. Yet there are so many here who want to tell me how to live my life, and fawn over a certain European twit who is too young to know anything about the real world, real work, or real responsibility.
    Won’t even get into the Canadian asshats, Neil, who bitch about who we elect, while electing Trudeau, and spew their shit here.
    No mercy.

  2. Well yeah, cuz if you start talking to them about the sustenance of their political views, you can literally make them cry or call you names. Political discussion is prohibited in the liberal/progressive mind….

  3. I hate masks. But as a 66 yr. old woman of pallor, I need to get in and out of stores with as little hassle as possible. I just printed a bunch of Trump/MAGA logos which husband and I will laminate & stick a different one on every time we don that stupid mask. The mask that muzzles my mouth will speak for me.

  4. Maybe people are afraid because they don’t want their house teepeed or vandalized, tires on their cars slashed, Trump signs stolen from front yards, shouted down at stores.

    Who needs the hassle? I would proudly put a Trump sticker on my car, but in my city I wouldn’t dare.

    In November we will find out the answer to this survey. 😁

  5. Seen Seattle lately?
    See what happened to the McCloskey’s at the hands of the law that’s supposed to protect them?
    Only a fool invites that kind of attention – I’ll choose ballot box, then ammo box.
    Anonymous, think what you like, if you’re able.
    By the way, some people know who others are here; you’re just not part of that club.

  6. That is what I was going to say Jimmy.

    As long as you can close that curtain & vote in person you can express your opinion when it really counts.

  7. β€œMajority of Americans Afraid To State Political Views”

    In other words;
    It’s working for them……Isn’t it????

    The alternative??
    Gorilla warfare.


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