Majority of New Immigrants This Week From The Seven Terrorist Nations – IOTW Report

Majority of New Immigrants This Week From The Seven Terrorist Nations

If there is one federal agency that needs to be shut down and fumigated, it’s the State Department.  Since the courts fowled up President Trumps EO to better vet immigrants from seven nations rife with terrorist and lacking in screening tools of their own, the DoS has doubled the number of immigrants from those nations.  Nearly 77 percent of the 1,100 let in this last week came from those nations, a third of the total originated from Syria.



13 Comments on Majority of New Immigrants This Week From The Seven Terrorist Nations

  1. Congress should immediately pass a law that eliminates immunity from prosecution for any bureaucrat or judge whose actions (whether intentional or otherwise) cause harm to ANY American citizen.

    It’s only just. It’s only fair.

    And the death penalty for any of those whose actions, or lack of action, causes the death of an American citizen.

    But the cowards in Congress will do nothing to protect the serfs and peons (us).

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @Tim February 10, 2017 at 2:21 pm

    > But the cowards in Congress will do nothing to protect the serfs and peons

    The chattel are too lazy to avenge themselves? Verily, I say… meh.

  3. Those judges better hope there isn’t a terrorist attack.

    I wonder if they’ve realized yet that if they take on this undeligated responsibility they’re gong to answer for it one way or the other.

  4. They should fire every State Dept employee and start rebuilding the staff from the ground up. The place is crawling with America-hating lefties, communists, hillary and obozo worshipers.

  5. Everyone, even Obozo agreed the refugees had to be vetted. So vet the shit out of them!. Impound their filthy asses until they can prove without a doubt, who they are and that they mean us no harm. Vetting implies that some will succeed and some will fail.. So send the failures back! Why is this so hard? What am I missing? We don’t need a “ban”, use the processes we already have!

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