Majority Of Senior Hill Staffers Believe Dems Lose The House Next Year – IOTW Report

Majority Of Senior Hill Staffers Believe Dems Lose The House Next Year


Seventy-eight percent of senior Capitol Hill aides believe Republicans will regain the House in 2022, up 12 percent from April, according to a poll released Monday.

The Punchbowl News poll also included responses by party, which showed 57 percent of Democrat Hill staffers believe Republicans will regain control.

Additionally, 99 percent of the Republicans on the Hill believe their party will regain control of the House, ending House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) short four-year reign of trying to push through her radical, one-sided agenda. More

6 Comments on Majority Of Senior Hill Staffers Believe Dems Lose The House Next Year

  1. And 99.9% of voting Republicans believe so too, and the Senate. Might be thousands of Democrats voting Republican for a change. I’ve got hope – there’s enough left in me to believe it.

  2. …well, they lost te presidency LAST year, but they took it ANYWAY, and I don’t see any “Republicans” or citizens STOPPING them, so it wouldn’t really seem to matter in our post-Rule of Law USA…

  3. What would be the point?
    Most Republicans are back-benching, pillow-biting, traitorous PsOS.
    So, instead of $6 Trillion budgets we’ll get $5.9 Trillion?

    Yeah, sign me up. Sort of like the Bolsheviks bad-mouthing the Mensheviks.
    Or the Nazis opposing the Communists.

    Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Dorothy The Brown Dot

    Who you callin’ sore losers? After the 2016 election liberals had so much butt-hurt they figured the only way to win another election is to cheat. Way deep down in your bowels you know that.

    You’re not only a sore loser, you’re a loser with sores.


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