Majority Of Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Make Deliveries To Dem Cities With Defunded Police Depts. – IOTW Report

Majority Of Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Make Deliveries To Dem Cities With Defunded Police Depts.

Gateway Pundit

77% of truck drivers say they will not deliver to far left cities with defunded police departments.

Nor should they. Truck driving is a dangerous profession. Far left mayors and violent rioters make it deadly. More

24 Comments on Majority Of Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Make Deliveries To Dem Cities With Defunded Police Depts.

  1. Make it a constitutionally protected right to not have to serve the jackasses and that includes not having to deliver pizza w/in areas that violent crime is above 80% of the Statewide level.

  2. Here ya go…


    THE AMERICAN TRUCKER will not be held hostage, threatened, robbed, or killed. We will not be a victim. We will not be this generation’s version of Reginald Denny. Every driver knows that name. Do you?
    We will defend ourselves every time, up to and including, using our 80,000lb trucks and it’s 1,800 foot-pounds of torque to run you over.
    Cities where looting, rioting, and stopping trucks is happening….
    You are hereby put on notice.
    Threaten, delay, attempt to stop a truck, we the American trucker will consider that act as an attack on our lives. We will defend ourselves, our equipment, and our load.
    Food, medicine, hospital supplies, gasoline, and a million other daily items we deliver to your cities ARE A-POLITICAL. Everyone needs them, including your dumbass. We don’t “need” to come to your lawless city. YOU NEED us to deliver your food and supplies to your city.
    We drivers have social media too. If your city becomes too chaotic and violent. Becomes too unsafe for us… Word will spread very quickly amongst the 3.5 million truckers. We will stop delivering to your city. Period. No driver will travel into a city that reminds us of scenes from a “Mad Max” movie.
    Threaten an American truck driver while he’s working and it will take you, and your city, down a path where YOU WILL LOSE.
    Take a moment and seriously think: Do you really want to risk your doctor NOT having the supplies he needs to save you while in surgery? Do you really want to stop the medicines keeping your kids and parents alive?
    Keep your silly shit off the US Interstate and US highway system. Congregating in the roadway will only get you run over. Having people standing and blocking the highway is a threat to our physical safety and we will respond appropriately to your attack. Standing in the roadway is NOT a protest. It is an attack on our safety. Air horns will sound, steering wheels will be held tightly, but those brakes will not be touched. You will move, or you will die. 80,000 pounds at 70mph will win every time. STAY OUT OF THE ROADWAY.

  3. If you want to a read good, exciting, military SF book that set up this entire flu, civil disorder, warlords, (including truckers balking to enter violent cities) thing in his book written 10 years ago, get “The Last Centurian” by John Ringo. And no I’m not related. It’s still in paperback on Amazon. He even has the solar minimum we are starting to experience tossed in. I mean it’s ” Deja vu all over again.” If we get a Democrat in November and the really bad shit starts due to the new president’s incompetence, we will be IN the book and will know what will happen over the next several years.

  4. Can’t wait to see how my truck-driving, Trump-hating, liberal nephew responds to this situation. I don’t wish him any harm, but maybe he will get the wake up call he desperately needs.

  5. Interrupting food delivery is the worst possible outcome of this. TPTB are rightfully terrified of their urban masses going hungry and running amok, as they certainly will after a few days without food. A lot of them will become marauders, invading surrounding areas that so far have remained peaceful. You know, where a lot of US live. Bad, bad outcome for everybody if that happens.

    If the situation devolves to anything close to this scenario, governors will mobilize their national guards to drive trucks, in convoys, with escorts.

  6. If the cities really blow up the President needs to deputize all former military with a clean civil record and Honorable Discharge as deputy US Marshall’s and run the peacekeeping federally under the Marshall’s Service.
    Now’s the time to ask for volunteers to get started.
    I may be paranoid, but am I paranoid enough?

  7. Anonymous
    “JUNE 14, 2020 AT 3:36 PM”

    “Take a moment and seriously think: Do you really want to risk your doctor NOT having the supplies he needs to save you while in surgery? Do you really want to stop the medicines keeping your kids and parents alive?”

    …no worries, when they take the police out of the urban hospitals, when the doctor’s cars get stolen and the nurses raped, when the cafeterias get looted and the homeless move into the rooms as the looters steal all the drugs, use the hemostats for roach clips and scalpels for cutting and rubbing drugs, there won’t be any surgery going on there anyway since there’s no staff, not even janitors since they’ve all bern “liberated”…

    …besides, as the infrastructure outside such as roads and retaining walls deteriorares, the water system collapses from all the destroyed buildings and open fire hydrants, the electrical grid collapses as wires fall down and none of this is repaired because it’s too dangerous to do so, no personnel or supplies will be able to reach the hospital ANYWAY across the gay Mad Max landscape, not even the ambulances since they too will be attacked and looted as representatives of Authority that cannot be tolerated.

    …in short, hospitals do NOT exist in a vacuum and will NOT continue smoothly runnning through a societal collapse. Those medical folks who are cheering BLM marches TODAY won’t be there when BLM takes over TOMORROW, so trucks ain’t gonna be needed anyway…

    …Don’t expect First World medical care in a Third World society. Medical care is a product of the society it exists in, and as society collapses, so to will medical care…

  8. Trailers need to be secured, glad hands need to be locked in place, a 5th wheel handle will not release under tension so it can’t be uncoupled at a redight. We need national reciprocity on CCW, so the drivers can protect their safety, and their cargo.
    If this is not a reasonable request, then blacklist citiez that choose to sponsor or tolerate anarchy.

  9. If the perps can hijack a train full of TV’s, they’ll hijack a truck. I don’t blame the truckers, they should carry! I hope they stay true to their promise.

  10. @anon

    Reginald Denny was pulled out of his truck during a riot in South-central LA. The local gangsters bashed hid head in with a brick and left him for dead.

    Mr. Denny recovered but he was never the same afterward.


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