Make Daughter a Jerk Day? – IOTW Report

Make Daughter a Jerk Day?

The video is titled –  Dad dares daughter to knock off dude’s MAGA hat for 100 bucks!

This is just like all those old videos from 5 years ago. You remember those-

Dad dares daughter to kick HOPE shirt wearer in the nuts. Remember that one?


Parents tell son to fart in the face of a woman wearing a Hillary shirt.

Remember that?

Yeah. Neither do I.

ht/ petrus

26 Comments on Make Daughter a Jerk Day?

  1. It’s just a matter of time before one of these ass holes gets fucking drilled with a big right hand. Watch the media go off then.

    I notice they’re picking on another young kid. What balls.

  2. Contributing to the Delinquency of a minor. What kind of a lesson is that teaching her other than to disrespect others and their property. This IDIOT needs to be visited by the proper authorities and giving instructions on parenting.

  3. Nice job “DAD”. Be a shame when your “daughter” gets pounded into the cement after she physically assaults a MAGA supporter who’s teetering between civility v all out war as a result of ppl like you invading their space. Telling he didn’t have the nerve to do it himself.

    The guy has pedophile written all over him, and I don’t mean his tats.

  4. What a disgusting piece of human garbage. The kid has an excuse – she’s young and stupid. But Dad hasn’t got enough sense to understand how close his idiot child may have come to having her teeth rearranged.

  5. What a tool. This is a perfect example of how progressives use and abuse those they comsider expendable and gullible in order to establish a leftist power base.
    What kind of “father” puts a child they are suppose to love and care for in danger. A true deviant. He’s got that Sodom & Gomorrah queer thug at Lot’s door asking, “Where the hot angels at” vibe. Child Welfare Services should be making a visit to this creep’s home.

  6. Uses the “F Word” freely in front of a child and in public, is teaching Intolerance, bully-tactics, and the marginalization of another human being with the motivation being the receiving of reward. He laughs heartily while doing so. He’s a Trump Hater.

    No surprise here.

  7. I’m better and reading people better than anyone I know. I might be prejudice in that judgment, LOL. If this ass hat were on your side, you couldn’t depend on him. He’s got no spine.

  8. All these great comments and no one saw that he sent her in because she’s obviously bi-racial and “off limits” in the court of public opinion?! She gets a pass and dad knows it. He just used his daughter because he figured that one out. He probably uses her a lot for that purpose. His personal “race card.” Disgusting.


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