Making a Killing – IOTW Report

Making a Killing


Over time, Gates and JPMorgan established an investment fund that sought to profit from the development of vaccines and other health technologies. Epstein wanted a piece of the action, and Staley brought Epstein into the Gates partnership.

The Gates-JPMorgan partnership was called the Global Health Investment Fund (GHIF) and was created circa 2011. At the time, Staley managed the Epstein relationship for the bank, and Epstein was a valuable client who brought JPMorgan a lot of business. Epstein was an adviser to billionaires like Victoria’s Secret mogul Leslie Wexner and Wall Street legend Leon Black and the “family offices” which manage their fortunes. Wexner and Black deny any involvement in Epstein’s criminal activities. More

We’ve been told for years that vaccines are a lousy business here , here and here. We’ve been told that governments have had to beg pharma companies to keep providing them. Then came COVID-19 and a windfall for Pfizer. Here and Here

It just all seem so coincidental.

2 Comments on Making a Killing

  1. Judge companies by their actions and not their words, the same as you would individual human beings. Using that theory, it’s easy to see that companies like Pfizer and people like Gates are total scum.


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