Malcolm Trump / Donald X – IOTW Report

Malcolm Trump / Donald X

Black people, wake up. Malcolm X was warning you about the democrats. Donald Trump has warned you about the democrats.

When will you listen?

15 Comments on Malcolm Trump / Donald X

  1. Hmmmmm…..
    Conflating Trump with an avowed racist Muslim preacher?

    I don’t see where you are going with this.
    Mr. el-Shabazz was killed by his followers.
    The evil done by him and his “Nation of Islam” would require many volumes to describe.
    FYI, while Nation of Islam is a popular prison gang, it isn’t well accepted by most black people, especially working class blacks.

  2. Hmmmmm….
    Does the left see Malcolm X as a racist?

    See where we’re going with this yet?

    Leave the messaging to people who know what they are doing and are trying to get Trump elected.
    Not every message that is created is for, as you put it many, many times, “the echo chamber.”

  3. “I don’t see where you are going with this”
    Really? You’ve got two guys seemingly from opposite ends of the spectrum both issuing a warning about the deceitful Democrats.
    Not exactly an indecipherable message.

  4. lets see free obama phones, ebt cards, free housing,
    free electricity etc thats what you have to lose.
    just a short list>>>

    You’ve convinced me.
    I’m writing in Ted Cruz’s name.

    I’m SMAUGHT, not like they say.
    I can do things.

  5. So, the target audience is Muslim prison gang members?
    A leftist would look at that and dismiss it because Trump “hates muslims and blacks when he is not bashing a Mexicans head in with a lead filled snow shoe”.
    If you want to connect with working class black people, use a Christian Republican, like MLK, rather than a Muslim street thug.
    I don’t think you know messaging to black culture as well as you think you do. I have spent my life in the middle of it, and have a VERY good idea how things are perceived here.
    I can tell you with certainty that the followers of el-Shabazz would eat a bullet before they would vote for Trump, and it’s not because they are die hard Democrats. They are very aware of what hand is feeding them.

  6. Malcolm X was smart man. And a black separatist. It was only at the end when he changed his thinking that was he murdered by other Nation thugs.

    Ask yourself how many Malcolm X Avenues there are. He is simply not celebrated even by BLM. I see what Mr Pinko has done. I make the connection. I’m afraid not too many lights are going to go off in black heads.

    I’ll venture to guess that few young, black voters even know about Malcolm X.

    I like the approach Trump is taking with Black Christian Church leaders. I would love to see him throw some rallies in black neighborhoods but unfortunately, REgressives know what a powerful message that would send. They would shut it down like they did in Chicago.

    There is a very racist movie coming out soon about a black revolution back in the 1850s(?) It has very violent scenes depicting horrible cruelty from both sides but especially black on white retribution. This is what most blacks will see and connect with.

    Sorry, but that’s way low IQs work.

  7. I see a black man telling blacks to get off the Democratic plantation.
    Liberals try to destroy the face value of a message by destroying the messenger.
    It takes a special kind of douche’ bag to ruin a video’s message.

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