Male School Bus Driver Writes Love Note To Male 7th-Grader – IOTW Report

Male School Bus Driver Writes Love Note To Male 7th-Grader

Not that it would have been that much better if it was a female 7th-grader….

From Grool, via The Bullpen.


An Edmond, Oklahoma mom says her son was sent home with an inappropriate note, written by his school bus driver.

“Never in my wildest dreams would I think that this was one of my kids that this would happen to,” says the mom.

News Four is concealing this mother’s identity to protect her son, a seventh-grader at Cheyenne Middle School. She says he came home Friday with a note in his backpack written by his bus driver.

She read aloud some of the note:

“I’m writing this note to you because as you know when school is out, there’s really no time to talk, just a quick hug. For some time, I’ve been wanting to talk to you about spending time together with you and I. Maybe with some other friends of yours? What do you think?”

It goes on to say, “I really want to be friends with you and every once in a while, hang out together to play, talk, etc. Yes! I am a grown-up, but I like friendship with kids like you. Tell me what you think, no pressure though.”

“He wants to be chummy with my kid. He wants to do things that are unthinkable with my kid,” says the mom.

She says her alarm bells were ringing earlier in the school year.

“The bus driver had asked for a hug,” she says.

But she says she never thought it would go this far.

“A test monitor who’s also a bus driver now sends this type of note to my son?”

The student’s mom immediately called the school. Two days later, the driver was taken off the route.


Turns out, the letter he wrote is not against the law. Thankfully the bus company terminated his employment.

11 Comments on Male School Bus Driver Writes Love Note To Male 7th-Grader

  1. If the police are doing their job, they are in the process of interviewing other boys on his bus, at his church, in his neighborhood, in his family. There are victims in this man’s life. Guaranteed.
    “Your enemy, the devil, searches about for whom he may devour.” WATCH YOUR CHILDREN!

  2. Do fathers play any roll at all anymore in a kids up bringing? I would have been at the bus stop with my kid the very next morning, with as many neighbors as I could get to join me, to meet pedo boy.

  3. Am I the only one who is sick and tired of hearing, “I didn’t think this would happen to my kid or at my kid’s school?”

    Open your damn eyes and ears, teachers are molesting your kids, calling the cops on your kids for hurting the poor teacher’s feelings or having a loaded finger, brainwashing your kids and they’re in every damn public school.
    My daughter said the other day that it’s about to the point that the parent is guilty of child abuse for sending their children to public school and she’s correct. Parents have no excuses anymore. Remember Oklahoma is a red state, yet they allowed teachers to strike, although it’s against the law and the teachers even used it as an event to have sex with students.

    @Bad Brad in regards to Fathers, that’s 99% why we have all this crazy shit in this country today, fathers are either non-existent or pussy whipped pansies.


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