Man Attacked By Bear in the Temple… and the leg, and the chest, and the arm – IOTW Report

Man Attacked By Bear in the Temple… and the leg, and the chest, and the arm

Some idiot dangled a rice bowl to taunt a starving bear that was in an enclosure at a temple. The bear pulled him into his dojo and had its way with him.

Video isn’t extremely bloody, but it’s harrowing.

He wasn’t killed, but at one point he looked like he didn’t really care if he lived. The guy was lucky that the bear was a little low energy.

The people trying to save him were using a ten foot pole, and it wouldn’t touch the bear.

ht/ the big owe

21 Comments on Man Attacked By Bear in the Temple… and the leg, and the chest, and the arm

  1. Duh ! He forgot to ask if the bear was also Buddhist.
    I guess this bear won’t be reaching Nirvana anytime soon and it looks like this guy has a long ways to go too.

  2. But, we approved RULES! And, and STUFF! We put the bear in the cage, and we told it to be vegan! We said that we were right to write our rules, so the bear has to be vegan.

  3. 🔫 Are We All As Dumb As Timothy Treadwell 🔫

    Every time an animal attacks / goes on a rampage, you’ll notice NO ONE has the proper tools to neutralize the animal.

    ⚡ Elephant goes crazy, no one has a gun. Police show up with wrong gun, then 1 hour later gets bigger gun.

    ⚡ Bear mauls someone, a 10′ pole (about a foot short) is all that is available.

    ⚡ Killer whale attacks its trainer, everyone shrugs their shoulders.

    ⚡ Running of the Bulls: Bull stops to gore a few people to death, crowds hit them with rolled up newspapers.

    ⚡ Crocodile show: Croc chomps down on performer’s head, staff stands around screaming.

    ⚡ Lion tamer: Lions attack, get out the water hose.

    ⚡ Feeding sharks: Sharks attack feeder. Everyone gurgle-screams underwater.

    Are we not prepared for the worst case scenario when dealing with dangerous wild animals? ….other than gorillas of course…

  4. Fur Is Murder!

    I can’t bear to watch this
    It was a grisly video
    Cubs suck!
    what can Brown do for you?
    another Kodiak Moment
    it was Panda-ring to its audience
    Black Bears Matter! (watch the hilarious YouTube video)
    (saving the best for last) I reckon trouble is a-brewin’

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