Man Kills 1 Of 3 Home Invaders, Possibly Saving EIGHT Lives – IOTW Report

Man Kills 1 Of 3 Home Invaders, Possibly Saving EIGHT Lives

Bearing Arms

An adult son woke in Harris County Texas, this morning to the sound of his mother’s voice pleading with three armed intruders for the lives of the three young girls in the kitchen with her. He grabbed a firearm that he kept near his bed and did what he had to do to save his family:

Family members told deputies that their mother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast with three young granddaughters when the armed men broke in. The woman’s adult son heard the commotion from his bedroom and grabbed his gun.



13 Comments on Man Kills 1 Of 3 Home Invaders, Possibly Saving EIGHT Lives

  1. 1. Yeah, more range time.
    2. It being Houston and the piece having no picture of the perp, I’d say they were sons of Obama.
    3. Write to PATRIOT DEPOT with that T-shirt idea.
    They make and sell the sh_t out of stuff like that.

  2. In Texas, we were taught to shoot strait, keep shooting till the scum stops moving, and if they are fleeing, drag them back inside after you shoot them…that way the libbies can’t claim you jumped the gun and they were trying to sell you PlayCamel Monthly…with a luscious burka clad whatever laying between the two humps as the man of her life fooks the camel she is on….

  3. greetingsfromyonkers

    You’ll find the land and it’s taxes cheaper.

    You’ll find there is no state income tax.

    Welcome, if you get here. Decent people always needed.

    ( I hate when others use GFY as shorthand for you. Looks like they are telling you to… )

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