Man Models Famous Bikini Brand – IOTW Report

Man Models Famous Bikini Brand

Who does this market toward?


An Australian bikini company launched a firestorm over the weekend when it posted video of a male model wearing one if its slinky swimsuits. “OBSESSED WITH THIS LOOK,” reads the caption of the Instagram post. “Moana Babe @jakeytho in our SUGAR SLINKY ONE-PIECE!” Not surprisingly, controversy erupted, with some commenters saying they’d stop supporting the brand and others comparing the situation to Bud Light’s partnership with a trans influencer. Moana model Jake Young made it clear in the comments that he’s not a woman, but the bikini brand did note in its own responses to comments that he is gay, USA Today reports. “If people aren’t happy with this individual post of a proud, gay man wearing a piece of clothing he feels confident in… they can just keep scrolling or unfollow, can’t they?” the company says.

29 Comments on Man Models Famous Bikini Brand

  1. If people aren’t happy with this individual post of a proud, gay man wearing a piece of clothing he feels confident in… they can just keep scrolling or unfollow, can’t they?

    If a company isn’t happy publishing advertising that will appeal to the majority of their customers and market, and instead pushes out a photo of a deviant cross-dresser, then can just go broke, can’t they?

  2. Wow, how long did they need to search for a guy with that small of a package?

    Notice all the Trolls got real quite. They opened this up and now they’re all choking the chicken. Sick bastards. Good idea BFH,

  3. Thank you so much for not posting a photo. And I didn’t click on any links cuz I ain’t stupid. I despise rad fags. Go give yourselves incurable diseases but don’t make me watch. Also stay away from the children.

  4. “the bikini brand did note in its own responses to comments that he is gay”

    thanks for that clarification there was no way to tell when I went over to the Instagram page that he was a poofter and light in the loafers.

  5. At 70+ Years of age, I jest saw the most despicable disgraceful act of mankind in my life. As it was in the days of Noah and Lot, I now have witnessed the final days of mankind. Please Dear Lord, help me unsee what I just saw…

  6. No such thing as “gay.”
    And what’s he “proud” of, exactly? Sucking dicks that just got pulled out of his ass? Tonguing other guys’ assholes? Sashaying around in women’s swimwear?
    Enlighten us, pervert enablers.

    He’s a fucking pervert. Just another fucking, sucking pervert.

    When this faggot/pervert fad passes we need a reckoning.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Tim – FJB Monday, 29 January 2024, 7:30 at 7:30 am

    No such thing as “gay.”
    And what’s he “proud” of, exactly? Sucking dicks that just got pulled out of his ass? Tonguing other guys’ assholes? Sashaying around in women’s swimwear?
    Enlighten us, pervert enablers.

    He’s a fucking pervert. Just another fucking, sucking pervert.

    When this faggot/pervert fad passes we need a reckoning.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

    So I take it, that you wouldn’t hold a party for them and tell them that you’re working hard for them? If so, you and I are in the minority here. Stand for something or you’ll fall for everything. Goldenfoxx


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