Man Up for These “Women of the Year” – IOTW Report

Man Up for These “Women of the Year”

The Federalist

After naming Richard/Rachel Levine, a man who parades around in ladyface, as one of its 2022 “Women of the Year,” USA Today is back to remind us that it doesn’t know — or doesn’t care — what a woman is.

Earlier this week, the outlet released its list of 2023 honorees, and the name getting the most attention is that of Minnesota state Rep. Leigh Finke, a pink-haired man who dresses like a woman and has been in office for less than 12 weeks.

Nothing says “we respect women” like elbowing them out of their own awards to laud a man who makes a mockery of womanhood. Finke isn’t the only man coopting the “woman of the year” pedestal. Here are eight other men who have displaced women at their own game. Continues

Make it 12 and we could make a calendar. – Dr. Tar

121 Comments on Man Up for These “Women of the Year”







  2. Truly sad we no longer have state mental facilities to accommodate these ‘pretenders’. This is a complete embarrassment to the entities that promote this garbage

  3. Biden’s achievements:

    INFLATION, Food, Energy, Durable Goods etc.
    EMBOLDENED ENEMIES leading to WARS & Uprisings , Ukraine, Syria,
    IMPROVED NARCO TRADE esp South America.
    RACE WARS CONTINUING – Barky Lit the fire, fuck head added GAS
    PISSED THROUGH 1 MATTRESS a WEEK since moving into what was a WHITE HOUSE.



  4. Tulsi Gabbard is waging a new campaign. “Why are Democrats trying to erase real women off the face of the earth”. Damn good question. She has a big following. And they all shoot guns, have tits, and are pissed as hell.

  5. Brad,

    Re: “erasing real women”

    Because real women have also have children that are male (50%) and once they do, they realize the a feminized world destroys their boys.

    My IDIOT Leftie Sister in law started to realize that there was very little effort put into encouraging & fostering Boys ONCE SHE HAD THEM.

    They are trying to silence Women after they silenced Men.


  6. And Ronda gave Disney back it’s Tax Breaks. Well actually the chatter is he couldn’t ever eliminate. Now Disney planning on holding the biggest I love Butt Holes party ever. I hope Loco has his room booked. LOL

  7. Wait Brad, are you telling me that a private corporation who EVERY SINGLE YEAR FOR DECADES have allowed unofficial “Gay Days” in June and are now allowing a conference of said gays?
    Hmmm, can you tell me exactly what law they are breaking?

    Surely you haven’t fallen for the MSM “don’t say gay” fallacy?
    Oh what? YOU HAVE! Yikes…

    Methinks Ron DeSantis will more than welcome their thousands of faggot money, after all it’s still green right?

    Thanks for playing.
    Try again soon.

  8. “You said he gave them back tax breaks”

    He did. Pull your head out of your ass and go find it. I’ll wait here. (Theme music to Jeopardy is playing in the back ground)

  9. Due to Governor Ron DeSantis, Disney Corp Florida is NOW in the exact same category as Universal Florida, Busch Gardens, Sea World, Legoland, and all the other Florida corporations.
    End of story.
    For some reason this bothers you.
    Sucks to be you…

  10. Hey loco, did you see the comment I posted this morning on the other thread about the Trump administration banning anyone who facilitates RDS’s book tour or works on his campaign from getting a job in the Trump administration?

  11. Yes Rich, I don’t blame you for NOT engaging last night.
    No worries, I held down the fort with my usual fact checking.

    It amazed me that Trump actually praised Charlie Crist in order to throw shade at DeSantis.
    Good grief, it was unbelievable if I hadn’t seen the video.

  12. “Brad, quick question, how does Disney hosting a bunch of cock gobblers reflect poorly on RDS? You lost me.”

    Really? His attempts at preventing this type of perverted action via exclusions of tax exemptions failed. That’s the whole point. He lost. DUUUUDE? I can now understand why you like Ronda. But I do give him credit from trying to stop this shit. At least he has a moral compass. But damn, he sure pissed off Trump.

  13. And yes Rich, doesn’t surprise me, the man still interviews with people who hate his guts.
    Hell, Charlie Crist HATES TRUMP’S GUTS!
    You can’t make this shit up.

    DeSantis has a hell of a team that probably doesn’t want to work for Trump anyway, I mean his cabinet leaked like a sieve.

  14. “DeSantis has a hell of a team that probably doesn’t want to work for Trump anyway,”

    Than why are you so concerned about this. It all sounds equitable to me. You know, like you and Rich write in Ronda, us patriots who want to save the country will vote for Trump. Done deal. No problems, no arguments. Good night.

  15. This morning I read multiple sources about Trump’s rally and how time after time he kept attacking RDS in each time the crowd was mute.

    I also saw a Fox News article about the ratio Trump attacks RDS, it is four times to one Trump going after RDS then he does going after Biden.

  16. Brad, are you seriously that fucking clueless?
    The whole Disney vs DeSantis kerfuffle was due to Disney saying they would get the “Parental Rights in Education” law REPEALED.
    This was an unelected company trying to interfere with legislation.
    Disney FA&FO…
    The law put an end to children being taught ANY kind of sexual situations, including gay ones, as well as stop grooming children.
    Did you think a governor can legislate gays to stop being gay?
    Do you feel silly now?
    You really should.

  17. ^^^^ You gotta stop watching CNN. I watched it live. The replay is still available. I suggest you watch it instead of spreading more fertilizer. More innuendos. Libtard bull shit tactics. .

  18. “The law put an end to children being taught ANY kind of sexual situations, including gay ones, as well as stop grooming children.”

    Report back from the event as I’m confident you will attend. If you don’t think they’re going to include children in this bull shit you just don’t understand the left.

  19. I’m having a hard time following Brad’s comments, I mean more than normally, I honestly don’t know what he’s talking about.

    RDS has absolutely no control over the type of groups that Disney hosts, so I’m still not following why Disney hosting a pride night reflects poorly on RDS. Brad, can you explain that to me please?

  20. “Brad, do you even know what Reedy Creek was?”

    Damn you’re a slippery little bitch. Now your making excuses for why Ronda couldn’t take away those tax exemptions while half an hour ago you said I was full of shit. Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig enjoys it.

  21. Brad, I don’t think you understand how this works. When you make a claim or state something as fact, it is incumbent upon you to provide the links. Just saying stuff does not make it so, and it’s rather bush league to say something and then expect us to go looking for the links ourselves. If you got the goods, provide it.

  22. Hey, asshole, Reedy Creek was justification for Disney Worlds own government. Yes or NO? Now you want to flip a bitch and go to the local school level? What Drugs are you doing. You lost this shit from the get.

  23. OK, I just realized what I did wrong, posted a link without subtracting a letter.

    ht s://

    If you liked Bush and Rove you’ll love DeSantis.

  24. “Irrefutable Facts:
    Disney has to abide by the same as Universal, et al.
    The “Parental Rights in Education” law is NOT “don’t say gay.”
    Gay people can rent out resorts and have conferences anywhere in the country.”

    Oh my God. And here they are doing it, Now what Einstein? Gives us another slippery comment. Weak shit.

  25. “Brad, I don’t think you understand how this works. When you make a claim or state something as fact, it is incumbent upon you to provide the links.”

    Oh the fuck it is. Let the opposition find it. I’ll post links when necessary.

  26. @Joe six pack

    That type of logic has always baffled me. I’ve read that Hitler liked Beethoven, dogs, and going for a walk in the mornings. So I guess by this logic, anyone that likes those things must also like Hitler. You see how silly this sounds?

    I bet there were white supremacists, child traffickers, and even folks that have too many parking tickets, I bet lots of these folks voted for Trump. So does having supporters of a dubious nature reflect on the candidate?

  27. So joe6, anyone who prefers DeSantis over Trump means that DeSantis MUST be beholden to them?
    Kind of think these guys HATE Trump and know that DeSantis is their only hope. Simple as that, Occam’s Razor once again.

    BTW, I think the Proud Boys and KKK support Trump so I suppose he must listen to them and govern accordingly?
    Come on joe6, you are not that naïve. Man…

  28. Brad, so if I said that it is an indisputable fact that Trump and Mr t were gay lovers and Trump was always the catcher, that it’s reasonable for everyone else to try to hunt through the internet to refute it? You’re just being lazy. It’s only good manners to back up what you claim, otherwise you’re just blowing smoke.

  29. Wow. Here’s the deal. Our two Republicans just made it crystal clear on their attack on Joe6. Loco and Rich are blue blood Republicans. While the majority here are Conservatives. That explains a lot.

    And Loco, the KKK supports Trump? You’re a fucking dick head. I think you jumped the shark there moron.

  30. That’s a bit of a stretch Rich. If Bush and Rove are the strategery supporting DeSantis getting into the 2024 primary that’s a hell of a lot different than inferring that since Hitler liked Beethoven, anyone that liked Beethoven also liked Hitler.

  31. Oh yes, the default bullshit claim, that because I do not agree with you 100% on all things that somehow my brand of conservatism is less pure than yours, more mongrel in nature and less refined. So pathetic.

  32. Loco, it’s not only that Bush/Rove prefer DeSantis over Trump, but it’s that they are actively assisting and strategizing to aid DeSantis over Trump. If you think the Bush / Rove package is good for America then I’m thinking we’re not on the same page.

  33. Oh yes, the default bullshit claim, that because I do not agree with you 100% on all things that somehow my brand of conservatism is less pure than yours, more mongrel in nature and less refined. So pathetic.

    You’re supporting a fucking RINO. And using very poor excuses in doing so. Like Orange Man Bad. And you don’t agree with me 10%

  34. The thing is, DeSantis has a record as Florida governor.
    So does Jeb, who actually helped keep Gore out of the White House.
    Jeb would NEVER have the balls to take on CRT, Teacher’s Unions, BLM, Defund the police, Groomers, Drag Queens, Disney, biden* Inc, DEI, WEF, the View, illegals, crime, riots, taxes, tolls, etc.

    The only hope of taking down Trump lies with DeSantis.
    That is why they support him.
    No one else has a chance.

  35. @joe

    Just because Bush and Rove are supporting RDS does not mean that they will have any role whatsoever and how the campaign is run. Naturally he will welcome their support as he will welcome all voters regardless of their moral failings or dubious nature, but that does not mean that they will have any type of leadership position.

  36. “Loco, it’s not only that Bush/Rove prefer DeSantis over Trump, but it’s that they are actively assisting and strategizing to aid DeSantis over Trump. If you think the Bush / Rove package is good for America then I’m thinking we’re not on the same page.”

    Exactly. Thank you. That’s it perfectly stated. Our countries in a world of hurt. We need solutions. And those solutions will come from a world class biz guy. Not another damn attorney. And Trumps got revenge on his mind. I’ll be voting for DJT.

  37. “Just because Bush and Rove are supporting RDS does not mean that they will have any role whatsoever and how the campaign is run.”

    That’s funny. Those assholes will dictate policy Rich. What the fuck are you thinking?

  38. Rich, it seems like Bush / Rove are more than just supporting the DeSantis effort but are actively involved in campaign strategery. DeSantis seems to be establishing political alliances that I’m not in agreement with.

  39. Brad, I will support the candidate whoever it is but I don’t have an appetite for smelling Trump’s farts like you do.

    I’m not into hero worship. I view all politicians as public servants, and I reserve the right to criticize any and all politicians when they do things I do not approve of. When they do good stuff I’ll praise them but when they screw up I will criticize them, that’s what you should do as well.

    You seem to think Trump is the only path out of this mess, I don’t. But that 10% disagreement that you mentioned above is enough to sever ties completely and banish me from your camp, sorry but I don’t feel that way.

  40. @joe

    If and when RDS finally declares and as he stands in front of the lectern he has Bush and Rove flanking him, then I’ll be concerned. But I think he is smart enough to welcome their support but keep them at arms length.

  41. joe6, Rove & Bush both have been in the game long enough and have actual wins.
    GWB served two terms and Jeb won Florida twice as well.
    Experience pays, and DeSantis is not ego driven like Trump.

    Would you hire a rookie coach for your NFL team?

  42. “Brad, I will support the candidate whoever it is but I don’t have an appetite for smelling Trump’s farts like you do”

    Please, do not compromise your values. Don’t vote for him. We don’t need you. An appetite for his farts? Really. Like I say, you need to figure out who you are politically, and you’re no conservative.

  43. Why joe6? It was an absolute excellent analogy.

    Drew Bledsoe was injured and Tom came in the game.
    Drew never regained the starting role.
    If DeSantis gets the reins, Trump will never regain control.
    That is why you guys are so scared.

    Me, I simply want us to hoist the trophies…

  44. Brad, Rich, Loco, Joe6pak

    Get a party line with Aunt Bea and Clara. Maybe Gladys Kravitz and settle your shit there. This shit has gotten insanely repugnant.

  45. “Rove & Bush both have been in the game long enough and have actual wins.” And do you believe their wins have been good for America? I think their wins have been good for those that believe in a NWO. They are not good for Make America Great again! I think that is where we disagree. I’m absolutely in favor of Making American Great Again!

  46. “Refute that. Please.”

    Already did in the above comment, but you must have been out of the room putting on your Trump PJs and didn’t bother to read it.

  47. The joe6 & Bad Brad Agenda is:

    “All eggs in one basket, NO Plan B, only Trump or we’d rather have a dem, burn all bridges, lie lie lie, bash legit conservatives, ignore the past, ignore Trump’s shortcomings, ignore Trump’s failures, & ignore Trump’s baggage.”

    About sums it up…

  48. Trump’s shortcomings

    As a Patriot, I don’t see that many short coming Trump suffers from. Is he perfect? Hell no. However just look at the mans accomplishments from his first term when everyone and their sister was out to get him. Did he make mistakes? You bet your ass. Did he learn from those mistakes? I think so. Does he have a clear vision now on who his enemies are who are also the same enemies of our Constitutional Republic? I think the mans got them dialed.
    As an old guy that was once a warrior, I will say this. Donald Trump is owed his day of retribution. And to me that’s paramount. I wanna see Donald J Trump kill off the swamp and I want to hear their screams. Always finish what you start. And he deserves that chance and Ronda Desatnes is no DJT.

  49. @loco

    Just curious, I know you feel that a Bragg indictment would skyrocket Trump’s ratings, do you feel the same way about this civil rape case that he finds himself in?

    Wear a brag indictment could be excused as prosecutorial malfeasance or political posturing, this civil rape case has a real victim with a real story to tell. Whether you believe her or not, I don’t think the publicity of this trial is going to help Trump in any way.

  50. I hear this a lot, the Trump is somehow going to drain the swamp, he did a bang-up job of that the first time around didn’t he?

    Brad, what do you think of diversity hires? That is exactly what Trump is going to do. Add that to his list of shortcomings.

  51. Rich, it seems with Trump, all publicity is good publicity.
    The reason this is true is because of all the witch-hunts in the past.
    The dems & MSM have shot their wad so many times, everyone believes they are still firing blanks at this point.

    This situation is UNIQUE to Trump.
    THEY, along with Trump being Trump, built this.
    Nobody else would survive a fraction of these “scandals” that aren’t all legit.

  52. The one thing that both Brad and I can agree on, there has been no president in history that has been more maligned more attacked more backstabbed and more cut off at the knees than Trump.

  53. Only in Brad world could a guy that is kicking ass and taking names on such a grand scale could possibly be called a loser.

    Maybe if they ever get together backstage RDS can tell Trump what it feels like to actually win an election with more votes than their opponent, something Trump still hasn’t done.

  54. In their warped minds, self-hating degenerate men think taking on a woman’s persona will give them status nobody can dispute. They feel empowered and entitled competing with women, the object of these weak men’s contempt and hate-filled jealousy.

    Thanks to a culture that disregards the distinctive, unique and significant qualities of both sexes, these evil freaks get lots of encouragement from the left as they degrade themselves and make a mockery of womanhood.

    The left continues to destabilize society with twisted strategies like this. Pushback is having an effect, but it has to be ongoing/consistent.


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