Manchester airport: Sniffer dogs detect sausages but not drugs – IOTW Report

Manchester airport: Sniffer dogs detect sausages but not drugs

IBT: A detector dog unit used as part of security measures at Manchester airport is under fire after failing to detect Class A drugs.

dog drug sniffer UK

A review of the security arrangements in the UK’s third largest airport revealed that employing the dogs has not been a viable move in terms of return on investment.

A report found that the six sniffer dogs in the Manchester airport kennel unit have not been able to detect any Class A drugs between November 2014 and June 2015. However, the canines did help in the seizure of more than 46,000 cigarettes, 60kg of tobacco, 181kg of illegal meat and £28,000 ($39,624) cash over the same period, according to the report.  more

6 Comments on Manchester airport: Sniffer dogs detect sausages but not drugs

  1. So they’re removing all sausages from bags so as not to offend the non-porkers?? WTF they haven’t had it this good since Bushie gave them all a free pass through airport security.

  2. Leaving Panama we had to stand 10 feet behind our bags as the Customs dog went to work. At one point he left the suit cases and zeroed in on a ladies private parts. Cracked us up. From then on he was referred to as the drug and crotch sniffing dog.

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