Manchester Homicide Bomber’s Sister Says The Murders Were Because of His LOVE FOR ISLAM – IOTW Report

Manchester Homicide Bomber’s Sister Says The Murders Were Because of His LOVE FOR ISLAM

It ’twas love.

The more one loves Islam, the more the last thing you’ll ever hear is “Allahu Akbar.”


Salman Abedi launched his suicide attack out of ‘a love of Islam’ and in twisted revenge for US airstrikes on Syria, his sister has claimed.

Jamona Abedi failed to condemn her brother’s murderous actions but instead claimed to offer an explanation for the atrocity, in which 22 innocent people, many of them children, were killed.

Miss Abedi, who lives in the Libyan capital Tripoli, said her brother had become increasingly violent over the course of the past year, convinced that Muslims were under attack both in the UK and abroad.

He did it out of love for Islam.

More at Gateway Pundit


22 Comments on Manchester Homicide Bomber’s Sister Says The Murders Were Because of His LOVE FOR ISLAM

  1. It sounds like there might be a connection between islam and terrorism. I thought that was not the case. You mean the religion of peace could be behind these violent acts?

  2. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
    – shooting
    – beheading
    – stoning
    – throwing from high building
    – bombing
    – gassing
    – setting on fire
    – raping to death

    Apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
    Hmm. This makes me think of John Moses Browning.

  3. Yep, typical coward. Loves Islam, hates that the US authorizes airstrikes in Syria, so he detonates a bomb in England killing a bunch of British kids. He chose the Brits, because he knew that they are a disarmed nation; the only attacks in the US are in areas where it is not legal to carry a gun.

  4. Anyone who has traveled to Europe knows how impossible it is to close the open door that created this mess. It’s no coincidence that most of the murderous fanatics that kill innocent people in Western Europe are second and third generation Muslims. The fact that they can’t even stop the illegal immigration of more of these people is an insult to the previous generations that made these great countries. Tolerance is more important than survival. The Rivers of Blood are just starting with a trickle that will become a flood when all the extremist come home from Syria and Libya.

  5. As if that makes it OK?
    So, if someone loves the religion of Baal or Moloch, and desires to revenge himself on the followers of mohamhead (who usurped Baal and Moloch’s place in Middle Eastern worship) it’s OK and should be accepted?

    Well, I’m OK with that … to a point … to the point that they decide to kill anyone other than mussulmen.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Since “islam” is terrorism, her statement that he did it out of ‘a love of islam’, is factually correct.

    The way to make news stories about terrorism or terrorist attacks read factually, is to substitute the article’s spelling of “terrorism” and “terrorist” with the alternate terms of “islam” and “muslim”, respectively.
    For example, There was an act of islam at the Manchester Arena on May 22, 2017. The muslim detonated a bomb just outside the exit killing himself and 22 innocent people, most of them children.

  7. When was the last time a real Christian was a mass murderer? Can anyone even remember, Christians don’t go around killing their enemies just because they disagree with them like muzzies do. We have grace and mercy and forgiveness towards our enemies they don’t. I will never submit or bow to their evil wicked religion, they’ll have to kill me first which I pray will never happen. And then God would still forgive them which I will never fully understand in this lifetime.

  8. The next time I see someone make a stupid heart symbol with their hands, it will take every ounce of strength in my body not to give that person a cross chop to the Adam’s apple.

  9. @geoff the aardvark:

    When was the last time a real Christian was a mass murderer?

    Timothy McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic, later called himself an agnostic, but took the Last Rights before his execution. That doesn’t quite make him a real Christian, but it’s sort of close.

  10. McVeigh was a socio-mental retard, just like this last retard in Manchester. The Manchester retard was easily manipulated by his family and set to a task. Of which he fulfilled. The moSlim family that preys together, sleighs together. They’re all in it, like the Italian mobster family’s were all together in the same business. But the Italians only killed their own, usually out of turf wars and business rivalry, where these moSlims go after everyone that doesn’t adhere to their beliefs. That’s the kind of love that moSlims have. Their culture is the death of yours!

  11. As the scion of the Bush clan has said many times the last 17 years. When a felon breaks the law to criminally enter America. “he is committing an act of love”.
    Go Bush! Nuf said!

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