Mandalay Bay Open Thread – IOTW Report

Mandalay Bay Open Thread

Drop all your latest theories, links and pieces of evidence in the comments.

I like reading these, but I will still play the role of the septic..errrr.. skeptic. It’s an important role.

A reader just sent me a story about a woman who was a survivor of the shooting, who felt there was more than one shooter, and who died 4 days later.

The story is presented as if the woman was rubbed out for “what she knew.” She knew nothing. She had nothing of vital importance that set her apart from any other person saying there was more than one shooter. She had no description, she had no pictures. There was no compelling reason to snuff this woman, unless, of course, the idea is to be the worst conspirators on the planet and possibly leave evidence that would enable investigators to find you.

The woman was suffering from PTSD. She said so on Facebook. The description of what her life was like following the shooting is horrible. She couldn’t sleep. Everything made heart heart skip a beat. Loud noises were traumatic. The sound of her kid playing with toys was unbearable.

She had epilepsy and recently had two focal seizures. She also had a pituitary tumor. That’s not life threatening, but considering her PTSD and her epilepsy, anything is possible. She died in her sleep.

I remain skeptical that this woman was murdered when she had nothing of value that would lead to “cracking the case.”

As for witness testimony, I was once chased by a guy with an axe who was attempting to kill me. I ran around 300 yards to my house, the entire time waiting to get the axe in the back of my skull.

I could here him getting closer. I saw his shadow.

When I got to my house there was no one chasing me.

I found out later from eye witnesses that the guy went after me for about 30 feet and then stopped.

I would swear on a stack of Bibles that the guy was right behind me the entire way.

That’s what panic does.


85 Comments on Mandalay Bay Open Thread

  1. Got this:

    “I’m a colleague of @LauraLoomer, who is jointly investigating the Las Vegas Shooting.

    I need your help running this lead down:

    I was told today by a Vegas gun store owner that earlier this year 2800 new cameras were installed at the Mandalay Bay hotel, and they were paid for by a joint terrorism grant from the DHS. In exchange for paying for the cameras, mounts and installation the DHS retained access to the footage from any of the cameras and the ability to tap into them directly from an off site location.

    The source added that 2200 cameras were also installed at the New York-New York Hotel and Casino and 3900 cameras at the MGM Grand.

    The source noted that these purchase orders/bids should be searchable on , between January 2017 & April 2017 time period. Installation would have occurred before summer 2017

    Thank you ahead of time, and God Bless.

    Message me on here if you want to share info privately by phone/email or DM @LauraLoomer (though she is pretty overwhelmed with messages at the moment and may not respond right away)”

  2. that story sounds like bad movie script. why were all those killed such heros, maybe no one died. like the naked guy who said he took off his clothes to cover the dead, yeah the police want random freaks stripping naked in a crime scene.

  3. I’m probably the odd man out here, and I expect this will piss some people off, but…

    I really don’t care what happened. All our speculation is pointless, any evidence the FBI has will be carefully filtered to give us they story they want us to have, and apart from that nobody really knows anything.

    Plus, I really just don’t give a shit.

    A guy shot a bunch of people. End of story.

    There’s nothing anyone can do to change it.

    There’s nothing anyone can do to prevent it happening again.

    Every time this happens we have weeks and months of pointless speculation. It’s boring. I don’t care. I don’t understand why anyone does – it’s nothing but morbid curiosity. I feel like I’m watching people rubbernecking a car wreck.

    Don’t you people have hobbys?

  4. There is a videotape popular with conspiracy types, of a woman at the Bellagio, walking around videotaping what she claims is the aftermath of a purported attack at Bellagio at the same time as Mandalay Bay. There are so many obvious problems with the “Bellagio was attacked” story, and her video, its hard to know where to start. But her story, including a couple interviews, is a Holy Grail among some.

    I want to see more photographs of the suite’s interior, and shots of the hallway and damage caused by the two hundred rounds fired at Compos.

  5. All I have is questions. It’s pretty tough to form a theory without at least a couple answers. But I do believe that this is bigger than one man deciding to shoot up a music festival.

  6. Personally, I think the only conspiracy is a plot to completely screw up the public relations in this tragedy. Forget the eyewitness accounts; eyewitness testimony is usually unreliable. But there is a tremendous amount of forensic evidence which will admittedly take time to sift through, but which should be far more reliable.

    The police have Paddock’s weapons, and they should be able to recover most of the bullets. The authorities should be able to calculate trajectories. Eventually, they should be able to match bullets with weapons. Paddock supposedly purchased his guns lawfully, so there should be document trails available. There may likely be fingerprints and DNA on Paddock’s weapons. In other words, there should be plenty of evidence without having to resort to any eyewitness accounts.

    A major problem is the instant nature of competitive news and communications, juxtaposed against the time it takes to analyze forensic evidence. In their rush to be first, news outlets report “information” which is later either inaccurate or completely debunked, or phrase opinion in such a way as to imply fact. But this is public relations in today’s world, and by keeping too tight-lipped, the authorities are only fostering conspiracy theories.

  7. Hmmm. Well, the only way to get to the bottom of this is have a convention. In vegas. Please send me 250 bucks to cover costs of registration and snacks.

    In the meantime please send me 49.95 for a 12 month subscription to my mimeographed monthly newsletter.

    T-shirts are 24 dollars.

  8. I think the sheriff is in way over his head. Unlike Joe Arpaio, most sheriffs are the typical guy who likes the respect he gets from a uniform but doesn’t have any reason to be well versed in crime scene management beyond the standard break in or domestic dispute inspired murder/suicide. He’s not a deep thinker and is way over is head.

    As for cameras, I have a relative who has worked his way up in security with casinos. The sophisticated cameras and set up are for the casino floor. There are cameras in the elevators because people sometimes have difficulties in them. There are cameras in the hotel hallways but they’re not a priority and are not monitored as those on the casino floor.

    What’s odd is that they have not released any of the footage they have from the elevators, the hallway or the casino where Paddock gambled.

    I am most curious about how he became a “multimillionaire”. The real estate reported is not in that category and he did not rent any properties out that we know of.

    One commenter suggested he may be a hit man and this was his way of showing how evil he truly is. I would buy that. Lots of cash that he laundered through real estate and Vegas. Two planes. Psychopath. Works for me.

  9. “But I do believe that this is bigger than one man deciding to shoot up a music festival.”

    I agree and also think the same way about JFK, but have been told (in comments on this very site, I believe) that THAT is just nuts.

  10. Is there a possibility this story is being intentionally kept alive to cover something else up? And now we have Weinstein dominating the news media too. A story they’ve had for a long time. Why release it now?

  11. Wyatt, you insensitive progressive jerk – “instant nature of competitive news and communications, juxtaposed against the time it takes to analyze”

    You nailed it. The crime scene is massive. The analysis needed, as you outlined it, will take a long time. On the other hand, there are some solid, easy to establish, things we do know, e.g. when, where and some of the what, and probably The Who, of the event. The why might never be know. There are others, fairly easy to establish, I think, such as what we can see with out eyes, i.e. trust worthy video and photographs.

    We have been shown three or four photographs of the inside of the suite. Why not more, and why not any of the hall way? Those might help in some time taking analysis, but they also fall into the stuff e can see with our own eyes category.

    I’m not suggesting a conspiracy, just looking for some eyeball proof to help tie “what” part of the Who, What, When, Where and Why formula.

  12. I would love to live in a country where news and governments could be trusted. And that a crime report could be nothing more than the facts.

    We don’t and probably (even with Trump as President) never will because everything is related to money and how stories are manipulated is money.

    For those of us who are ignorant of police procedural, conspiracy theories, and the evil machinations of the Russians, please continue as it is both entertaining and may actually provide information toward solving why this psychopath (who inherited crazy from his dad) did what he did.

  13. smells like Fast and Furious first off. and secondly it is quite plausible that Paddock was a gun dealer laundering money through the casinos. possible- more possible than many theories floating about. the only way to really tell how many shooters there were is comparison of the bullets and the guns and considering the crime scene, that is a massive undertaking. none of this forgives the breech of someone gaining access to his home- also a crime scene if the shooting was planned there. the same thing happened with the San Bernardino mass shooters- their home was not secured by the FBI. the FBI is a failing, rotting law enforcement agency that needs to be gutted like the dead politicized fish it is. than maybe people will have some faith in it and not turn to outlandish conspiracy theories with every large scale massive crime they are involved in.

  14. Why did he have two airplanes?
    Where did he go last year?
    Was he an Org. Crime employee?
    Is it true MGM shorted their stocks before the dividend pay date?
    Have we heard much from the concert attendees?

  15. I’m with Wyatt and All Too Much. The media is tripping all over themselves with competing conspiracy theories. I’m not saying I trust the FBI but I do feel for the Metro Sheriff. The pressure must be incredible. I’m willing to wait to hear what they have to say.

    Also, I ignore anything that comes from the shameless media whore Laura Loomer. She’s nothing but a rabble-rousing self-promoter. I’ll apologize if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’ll have to.

  16. I read what she wrote on FB and read about her death, but what I read her family thinks the stress of what happened to her combined with her health issues was what killed her.

    As for theories, I have them, but I’m missing facts. It would be nice to have some of them and honestly do not know why if LE truly believes it’s open and shut, one guy killed a bunch of people and then killed himself, they won’t release what evidence they do have. Show us the crime scene photos they have of the room, hallway and other rooms on the floor and photos inside the car. Release all of the 911 calls, body camera footage and resort/casino footage. Quit telling us, “if you saw something tell us.” I for one don’t care about if you have motive, just quit being so damn secretive and quit changing the timeline. Heck, I’ve seen criminal cases that they are building a case against someone with more crime scene photos released at this point. It’s almost like they’re wanting everyone to think they’re either the Keystone Cops or hiding something.

    I can see one man firing out a window and killing people. It gets a little muddier when that man is running around firing out two windows, through a door and down the hallway.

    BFH, why the hell was someone chasing you with an axe?

  17. Here’s something to consider. The woman in FURS post that died swears that the original volley was firecrackers. 60 yards away, on the ground. My link above has a guy that says the same thing. Was the crowd being herded towards the fuel tanks? Why did they run the direction they did if nobody knew where the gunfire was coming from? Where they running from the fireworks towards the fuel tanks? LVPD has reported one of the rounds fired at the fuel tanks penetrated the fuel tank. That steel in those fuel tanks has got to be an inch thick. That’s a special round. No FMJ 556 or 308 is going through an inch or even a half inch of steel. He also had incendiary rounds. Was that to set the jet fuel on fire? What about the explosives in his car? None of this make any sense.

  18. I think what has happened is that LE has given up on thwarting terror attacks, because they have been spectacularly unsuccessful stopping terror attacks, even those attacks committed by perps who are known to them beforehand. Instead, they have focused on creating a rapid response Story Line And Narrative Team.

    This team’s goal is not to reduce the number of terror attacks. Its goal is to reduce the number of terror attacks attributed to muslims. Their learning curve has been steep, and with any luck, we will never suffer an islamic terror attack again.

  19. They said the paper seen in photos had calculations relating to elevation and trajectory. Why? He wasn’t set up as a sniper to take out a VIP sitting in a known location. He was spraying bullet randomly using bump stock.

    Bump stock, by the way, is the least efficient way to kill a large number of people. It causes the tip of the gun to raise so most of the bullets went over people’s heads. You can’t fire accurately using a bump stock no matter how skilled a marksman.

  20. Grool,
    I don’t think it’s “nuts” to think the Kennedy assassination is much bigger than what’s presented. I just need to see evidence that hasn’t been explained.
    I can’t debate someone’s feelings.

    I won’t even try.

  21. Brad, I’ve read several stories on FB by survivors who have said there were firecrackers, yet none of them were close enough to see who did it.

    Some of those people also are saying that the gunfire sounded a lot closer. Some are also ticked that when they got their phones back they were wiped clean, they want their pictures that they took over the weekend before all hell broke loose. Maybe they’re just telling stories, I don’t know what to believe anymore.

  22. Someone asked if there might be other stories that might be going by, unnoticed with this story and weinstein.
    How about menendez? They’re floating that he might just be cited, or something, for misreporting funds on a Congressional disclosure form. And he walks. Back to Congress. No mention of pedophilia, bribery or corruption.

    And this is sort of my hobby. That, and I just put up another 1/2 cord of wood. To each their own, I guess.

  23. Why, with so little information did the sheriff say that the fuel tanks were a diversion?That seems to be the only “FACT.” A diversion from what? He reads dead mens minds? And who in the crowd even knew the fuel tanks were being shot at? They can see in the dark?
    Come on ISIS. Release the video of paddock converting to islam if it exists.
    For those who say they don’t care, this is why it continues to happen. Ruby Ridge, Waco, LaVoy Finicum. If this happened to your loved ones I bet you’d damn well care.

  24. Thirdtwin
    His theory is sound. His math is good. I question how he knows where that recording came from and how he eliminated all the echo. As you know I’ve alway thought there were multiple shooters.

  25. a non a moose: I agree to a point and Ruby Ridge, Waco, LaVoy, Comey, Mueller are among the reasons I trust nothing that comes out of the FBI, but although I care and thousands if not millions also care, the FBI remains.
    The swamp is never going to be drained because they will never allow anyone to rid us of the ABC branches of government.

  26. “On the road to Mandalay Bay,
    Where conspiracy theorists play,
    An’ the plots come up like mushrooms out of 4Chan ‘crost the way!”

    (With apologies to Rudyard Kipling)


  27. @Thirdtwin, @Bad_Brad – Health Ranger’s argument for a second shooter is seriously flawed; fatally flawed IMO. That’s not to say there were more than one shooter, though.

    His calculations are all based on the assumption that all rounds fired were a very specific caliber and bullet weight, and came from a rifle or rifles with a particular barrel length. Slower rounds fired from Paddock’s window would, when subjected to his acoustic analysis, lead him to conclude that they were instead fired from a closer position.

    I want to emphasize again that just because I don’t buy his analysis it doesn’t mean there weren’t multiple shooters. The audio of the shooting I’ve heard has ALWAYS sounded to me like a belt-fed gun shooting something heftier than .223/5.56. You’d think there’d have been some mention of some .30 cal. (or .50, but probably not) machine gun found in Paddock’s room, yes?

  28. The main reason LE won’t release photos of the crime scene or talk about forensics is when the culprit is free, or about to go to trial.
    There’s no reason to hide anything from the public, none.
    If they think other bad actors are involved, say so and quit dilly-dallying with the facts.

  29. OK I’ll take a stab at this.
    Officials statements smell fishy, and resemble the half-baked explanations of other incidents.
    Evidence presented is unconvincing.
    Independent reporters denied access to officials.
    We know the MSM cannot be trusted. Poor journalism or agenda?
    Alphabet agencies have a piss-poor record of late.
    No motive or ideological orientation has been proven.
    Eyewitnesses seem to be disappearing.
    Hundreds of casualties. How did the local hospitals handle the overload?
    The shooter/patsy/fallguy/hitman/ISIS operative has been silenced forever. Convenient?
    In the absence of reliable information, speculation runs rampant, theories abound.

    Lawmakers are quick to propose restrictive legislation.

    And Cankles remains at large…

  30. One could easily create an automatic fire sound by firing two rifles in succession. Paddock had a bunch of rifles, some .308, some .223/5.56. Most were custom/high-end. Some had bump stocks, there are stocks available for both calibers. To me it isn’t far-fetched to think he bump-fired a .308 and a 5.56 simultaneously. He had bipods, and even platforms to put them on. The 5.56 in the photos had a 60-round mag, the .308 had a 25 round mag. Maybe he had bigger .308 mags? I heard a high-pitched and a low pitch sound almost alternating in the recordings. Empty one of them, grab another, repeat. That could explain why he brought so many with him.

    I also don’t find it far-fetched to believe Paddock was an angry, useful psychopath who wanted to be the person to tank the Hearing Protection Act, National reciprocity, and Modern Sporting Rifles all at once, either. How interesting would that be?

  31. Does anyone remember the local OKC journalist who believed the OKC bombing was tied to the middle east? I haven’t thought about her in awhile, because frankly after the bombing and it was my first time hearing about false flags and was all theatrics turned me off to the point anyone saying anything differently than what the government said I believed was a kook.

    I’ve been thinking about her lately because she was one of the first yelling from the rooftops we had terrorist cells in our country, brought here by our government. Back then it didn’t sound so convincing, but of course since then there have been numerous attacks in our country, besides 9/11.

    I was looking her up tonight and found this article from a couple of years ago. She might be a kook, but she makes a lot more sense now than she did over 20 years ago. It isn’t that farfetched to believe he was involved with Islamic terror cells. We’ve seen our own American born people turn into killers, heck I still hear how the guy who beheaded the woman in Oklahoma had nothing to do with Islam regardless of what he said and what came out in court. The government has done their best to claim otherwise. Why would our government not coverup an old loner man turned Islamic terrorist? Maybe I’m now a kook, but I do know since 9/11 I’ve been told by those in power that Moslems are not the enemy, even when Moslems tell me and show me differently.
    Heck I see police departments all across the country who act like CAIR are nice folks and fire or demote any officer who disagrees.

  32. I’m basing what I put forth on a more Thomas Aquinas way of thinking:

    “If a thing can be done adequately by means of one, it is superfluous to do it by means of several; for we observe that nature does not employ two instruments [if] one suffices.”

    It’s just the simple approach, an alternate view to the fancy stuff. I can’t get it out of my head that he was a self-aggrandizing nobody from nowhere. What or who could have motivated him is the mystery. 🙂

  33. @Buck N Fonzo: “Hundreds of casualties. How did the local hospitals handle the overload?”
    They apparently must have handled them quite well. 500+ injured/wounded, and no increase in the death toll. Simply unheard of. And they moved some of them around in wheelbarrows, even going by unused gurneys. Given the caliber and velocity of the bullets fired (which are designed to injure and incapacitate), I certainly hope someone writes in a medical journal about how/what they did to achieve such a success rate.

    @Truckbuddy: “To me it isn’t far-fetched to think he bump-fired a .308 and a 5.56 simultaneously.”
    I don’t think he could do that. Nor do I think he would try. He wasn’t Rambo. I also don’t see how bump firing with a bipod in use would be possible. I’ll defer to someone with more intimate knowledge on that, but ‘bumping’ would be impeded by the bipod, to my thinking. And a larger magazine, other than perhaps a drum, would make using the bipod less possible as well.
    Again, I have limited experience (but did get first rifle at 12 and got to ‘NRA Sharpshooter’). Anyone who wants to correct/educate me- that’s fine with me.

  34. What bothers me most about this is who was shot. These people, gun owning conservative young people, could have been my kids, their friends or our nieces and nephews. I have two nieces that regularly attend Country Western concerts. We called that night to make sure they weren’t there.

  35. Hey Brad, did you know Sheriff Joe Lombardo is for gun control and uses the same old left talking point, ‘as a hunter’ to reason why you don’t need high capacity magazines?

    “I’m a very avid hunter, I was in the military myself, and there’s no need to have a high-capacity magazine for any practical reason,” Lombardo said during a recent interview with the Sun.

    To the contrary, the dangers posed by such magazines are obvious. Lombardo says the time it takes for suspects to change magazines gives potential victims an opportunity to escape and law enforcement officials an opportunity to safely fire back. That being the case, the fewer times a shooter has to switch out magazines, the fewer the chances for people to get away and authorities to get a protected shot.

    It’s also not uncommon for guns to jam during magazine change-outs, Lombardo says.

  36. ORWW

    That’s doesn’t surprise me a bit. Las Vegas Unions have turned that town into a lefty paradise.

    This “It’s also not uncommon for guns to jam during magazine change-outs, Lombardo says.”

    Proves he doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground about that platform. As a matter of fact that statement is so far from reality I will question his claim of service. No wonder he cries during press conferences. Bottom line anybody that served understands that gun. He doesn’t. That’s a big problem.

  37. comment by
    Rocket Lockley pretty much sums it up
    1 week ago
    What a load of bollocks shot in the shoulder punctured lung she would be in ICU hooked up to a ventilater to help her respiratory system also a heart monitor to monitor her blood pressure heartbeat etc if you look on her right hand her IV line isn’t even connected up to anything she would be unconscious she wouldn’t even be able to talk properly yet her she is singing and dancing this is sickening and to think people actually believe this bullshit wake up folks.

    then there’s the guy whose “buddy” was shot in the chest no once not twice but three times with a military style rife but he’s “good”

    leave aside the fact that hitting one guy in a crowd of thousands in the chest three times w/ automatic rifle from a distance of more than a thousand feet is a feat that even Chris “american sniper” Kyle couldn’t do in his wildest dreams that fact that he is “good’ is beyond any statistical possibility. there was a video two days after the shooting of the man (Mike) talking t his “buddy” in the “hospital” that was so obviously BS that youtube appears to have removed all postings of the video.

  38. I giggled at that part too. Right or wrong I never trust anyone who is for gun control and nine times out of ten they say things that make it clear they’re ignorant when it comes to guns.
    I wanted to trust the Sheriff, but he kept rubbing me the wrong way in the press conferences and now to know he’s a gun control nut, I put as much trust in him as the FBI.

  39. Let’s see, we are told there was only one shooter and he is dead, case closed right? There is a lot of forensic evidence, namely bullets that have not been retrieved or analyzed as of the time we were told this, do you really think they will change the story to multiple shooters even if they examine the evidence? I don’t.

  40. I’ve personally never had any rifle or handgun jam after changing the magazine and the only person I’ve ever known to have one jam was after changing magazines about a dozen times. He had a cheap ass gun though.

    More I’m finding out about the sheriff, Nevada had a vote on extended background checks, every sheriff came out against it except him who remained neutral.

    He doesn’t like Trump or Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

    I didn’t realize it at the time, but it seems President Trump went into a viper’s nest during his trip to Vegas.

    Here’s another story I found on the Sheriff.

  41. I once had a friend of mine tell me that he was in a discussion group and the topic was “What would you do if you were diagnosed with a terminal illness and told you had only a short time to live?” Well, everyone had the typical responses: Take that dream vacation, surround yourself with loving family and friends, turn to Religion in anticipation of some Afterlife, go to Vegas and bet it all on the turn of a card, etc., etc. The usual stuff.

    He stunned the group, though, when he asked them, “Have you given any thought to making up a list of your enemies…?”

  42. Via a private fb post early on, abut the firearms & capabilities themselves:

    (things to keep in mind….. ) REVISED WITH LATEST UPDATE 1800 EDT

    Both xxx and I have extensive experience in the handling of combat weapons… and his is a lot more current than mine.


    “With 100 round magazines preloaded and a 800 rounds per minute rate of fire, plus But 7 seconds to reload, you can get 4400 to 4600 rounds out in 11 min. So 573 hits would be one out of 8. Assessment, doable.”

    But barely.

    Now looking at the magazines stacked up in the photo of the hotel room, none appear to be more than 50, and he appears to have used up to 12 of the semi autos, 12 of them equipped for auto fire with bump stocks….

    So at 5 seconds allowed for reloading new magazines, changing position as required and even switching weapons on occasion, let’s assume 12 were loaded with 100 round magazines…. so let’s say 1200 rounds got off in 12 100 round magazines installed and backup, taking up a half minute to switch to a fresh semiauto military type rifle with a 100 rd mag.

    That leaves 3400 rounds in the 50 round magazines which takes another 68 magazines, at 5 seconds… so the reload/reposition time takes 6 minutes out of the 11 minutes, and requires doubling the rate to 1 in 4 hits to deliver the same 4600 shots even if you could do it in half the time firing.

    Keep in mind, we really haven’t been told which guns and which magazines were used we can only speculate.

    We also don’t know how many of the injured were struck by bullets and how many physically injured trying to escape


    The range to the concert area was 500 yards…. a range beyond the ranges the military trains for for aimed, much less automatic fire for its infantry..

    Controlling the cone of automatic fire takes a LOT of training even close range….at 100 or 200 yards where it is usually maximally employed (and usually with a crew served MG). At 500 yards you can expect a lot of wild rounds to plow into the back of the stage (which faced the Mandalay before the audience area) and fliers all over the area beyond the beaten target zone. And that is with a stable weapon. Add a bump stock and control is a LOT harder. Analyzing the angle those bullets came down at will tell a LOT.

    This makes a 1/4 hit rate almost impossible… As does the WSJ concluding that the actual firing time was an “intermittent between 9-11 minutes” which requires the rate of hits to be more than 1 out of 3!

    Even with 20,000 massed targets that kind of hit rate with plunging fire (which comes in at a 35 degree angle) that either hits or hits the ground as a miss or at best a richochet…. is much less likely than with grazing fire which has more opportunities for a hit even if it misses one or two.

    Finally, WHAT were all those OTHER weapons for? Why bother hauling them up there? All he needed were a half dozen automatic capable and some semiauto military type weapons for back up, a shot gun and a pistol for close end game opportunities for going out with a bang.

    Then made absolutely no sense.

    So the possiblites of the rate of fire, and the casualty rate alone make a single shooter increasingly unlikely.

    NO wild theories here. Just a reddish yellow flag on what we are being told.

  43. I have found it odd since I first read that the CEO sold off stock, however the “terrorism rider” doesn’t make sense as the FBI and Sheriff have been running from it being a terrorist act.
    Maybe though someone should be asking what the leftie knew and when did he know it. Don’t really see that happening either as LE seems quick to let the resort/casino have their own facts.

  44. I’m still saying that Paddock was on SSRI antidepressant drugs.
    Just like Lanza at sandy Hook
    Just like the Columbine Kids
    Just like Jarrod Loughner
    Just like the Korean dude at Va Tech
    Just like the Colorado movie theatre dude
    Just like the asshole that shot Gabby Giffords in Az

  45. RosalindJ

    Here’s where those Killers arguments get killed. He had at least 20 long guns up there (according to reports that no one believes). If they already had mags in them he didn’t need a mag reload, he just needed to grab another gun. Thee guys math is correct. They’re just not that smart.

  46. Thanks for your assessment, Brad. I only know how to care for and shoot the few guns I have. Anything beyond the finer points of waterfowl hunting and cleaning is not in my wheelhouse.

  47. Steyn, via Mike’s post about this.
    As readers know, I have a low regard for conspiracy theories, mainly because the reasons the world is going to hell are pretty much staring us in the face. But I can’t honestly blame anyone following the Las Vegas massacre story from taking refuge in any conspiracy theory, no matter how wild and zany. Almost a fortnight from the moment when 58 people were gunned down at a country-music festival, officialdom has so bungled the case that almost every single one of the most basic facts about the act are up for grabs.

    As I had cause to remark over a week ago, I dislike the contamination of police press conferences by various politicians and bureaucrats all indulging in an orgy of mutual self-congratulation. But, in this case, the self-congratulation is entirely unwarranted. From the beginning, this seemed an unusual crime that didn’t seem to line up with say other mass shooting by a nutter who flips. It has only gotten weirder in the days since.

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