Man’s Last Name Suddenly Deemed Offensive – IOTW Report

Man’s Last Name Suddenly Deemed Offensive

The Trump effect.

True Revolt-

A man from Halifax, Nova Scotia, went to his local government office to renew a personalized tag he has had for decades. It honored his namesake, his late father. This time he was suddenly declined.



17 Comments on Man’s Last Name Suddenly Deemed Offensive

  1. As long as we’re swapping letters, if you swap the S and the L, (which is what I saw when first looked) you would have ANALSEX. I figured if must be Gwenith Paltrow’s car.

  2. He ought to reapply with “GRABHIM” and when that’s approved sue the crap out of the provincial government.
    @Flip, more and more people each day across the country are agreeing with your plate. Now if the Conservatives can elect a decent leader in May then the next election may see Trudeau the Younger back bouncing at the bar they dug him out of.

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