Many In Foreign Service Dissatisfied With Working For The State Department – IOTW Report

Many In Foreign Service Dissatisfied With Working For The State Department

war on the rocks

The Institute for the Study of Diplomacy and Harvard Kennedy School recently published an alarming report on behalf of the American Foreign Service Association detailing an ongoing retention crisis within the State Department. In addition to a survey showing that 32 percent of U.S. diplomats are actively exploring exit options, the report cited the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s 2020 findings that underrepresented groups disproportionately account for attrition. The alarming results reflect more than merely an instance of a broader, pandemic-driven trend toward career changes. The average age of a Foreign Service officer is 52 — much older than the average career-change candidate. In addition, the relatively high barrier to entry and lack of a mid-level entry point to a Foreign Service career mean that the cost of attrition is disproportionately high for both the Foreign Service and its departing officers. The report indicates that this trend predates the pandemic and the Trump administration.

Discontent in the Foreign Service is rooted in its inflexible assignments and development processes, corrosive in-grouping caused by subjective decision-making, and an accountability deficit that makes self-correction difficult. More

11 Comments on Many In Foreign Service Dissatisfied With Working For The State Department

  1. “… underrepresented groups disproportionately account for attrition.” “…the relatively high barrier to entry…”.
    Reading between the lines: We need more minorities and LGBTQLMNOP quota-hires. All just more bullshit from Harvard to push their leftist agenda. I’m surprised they didn’t blame Global warming, too.

  2. If there are really that many queers in the State Dept. wouldn’t that leave them all vulnerable and compromised to be blackmailed by our enemies. Do the Brits have the same problem, I’d be willing to bet that they are more compromised than our State Dept. is. And why is there so much upper crust faggery involved in both countries?

  3. Another group you might desire to check out is military officers. They are jumping ship right and left. One reason is the fact the military did away with good pensions, thus no reason to stay around. Second is the social junk being pushed down everyone’s throats. But numerous reasons are given.

  4. Many In Foreign Service Dissatisfied With Working For The State Department

    Has it occurred to any of them to go find something more suitable for them? When I was dissatisfied with where I was working, I always had something else lined up. I didn’t whine to anyone. This is what the taxpayer gets in return for their tax dollars – unhappy welfare recipients.

  5. “Discontent in the Foreign Service is rooted in its inflexible assignments and development processes, corrosive in-grouping caused by subjective decision-making, and an accountability deficit that makes self-correction difficult.”
    Read that twice and tell me that sentence means anything. Complete word salad…


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