Marco’s Parthian Shot – IOTW Report

Marco’s Parthian Shot

Unless Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) can turn things around today, the curtain is going to be pulled down on his presidential campaign and perhaps political career (he’s not going to run to keep his Senate seat.)


On his way off the stage, Senator Rubio isn’t talking about policy or agendas or the great things he will do for the country. He’s calling out or institutions and it’s a devastating critique.

Yesterday he went after the media for their symbiotic relationship with Donald Trump.


Now he’s calling out those in politics who are playing off the anger of the populace for their own political gain.


This is very heartfelt and intelligent take on what the political process has degraded into this year.





28 Comments on Marco’s Parthian Shot

  1. Marco, You took the money and now you’re complaining about the political process? For those who don’t live in FL.. Marco soldhis Miami home within months of winning the Senate. This was before the Gang of 8 betrayal. I guess he’ll be working for Goldman’s with Mrs.

  2. All I want is for DC to be destroyed.
    That’s all. And if it takes a Trump to do it
    then I will vote for a Trump. But as it is I will be disappointed
    yet again, but this time I will have deserved it.

    We know what Trump is, give us a better weapon and
    we will vote for him.

  3. I had such high hopes for him back in 012 pre gang of 8.

    But he sold his birthright and all he got out of the deal was, metaphorically speaking, a scorching case of anal herpes complements of Chuck U Shumer.

    Hes damaged goods and no body will ever want him.

  4. He even looks like John Edwards a little. It is impossible to lay down with the dogs of the GOPe and not get up without fleas. It’s a shame, too, because given just a few correct decisions he could have been really great.

  5. El Marco R. Amnesty will be well taken care off. He did his duty and fell into line. He also took a very willing part in the very thing he now criticising (small hands anyone)! He doesn’t deserve any commendation, admiration or respect!

  6. What Dick Blick said (love your store, BTW) Mario will back gracefully throught the revolving door, and comfortably esse himself into the system he just excoriated. Probably a Fox News job.

  7. He so upset that people are getting violent. Well we have had enough. For over 40 years we have begged for a change. We have instead seen both parties turn our country into a welfare state, our medical services socialized and ruined, our wealth spent for the benefit of the elite political class, our lives controlled by bureaucrats in DC who could give a care, our freedoms gone and yet we should all be nice.

  8. Mama always told me if I bought a car at Chuck Schumer’s car lot, I’d get screwed. I sure hope Chuckie smiled at you on your way out, Lil Marco. What a putz.

  9. The charge has been hurled at many falsely, but little Marco is clearly a tea-bagger.

    He sold out and now realized that he didn’t get squat in return.

  10. 8 years of Obama and people are getting pissed at Trump?
    FFS State you case and let the people decide, if you lose, get over it, pick yourself up and start again like a man or woman of integrity.
    Snivelling politicians journalists and whatever web people call themselves just need to get over themselves and do their bloody job.
    Grow up Marco

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